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  1. ducks4you

    Sentry, Baymule’s Livestock Guard Dog

  2. ducks4you

    Northern Lights!

    I saw nothing. :hit:hit:hit
  3. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

    Good Bumblebee News! While mowing down some weeds in the Inner Sanctum, where the ponies have been eating, I saw bumblebees hovering next to a now abandoned 12' x 12' bird enclosure. I got stung a few years back bc I push mowed on top of their nest. I had Planned to let the ponies finish...
  4. ducks4you

    Greetings from Southern Wisconsin

    :welcome from Central IL. Please be sure to put your general location with your avatar or in your signature bc I will forgot where you live once you start posting. Also, BIG BEAN group here.
  5. ducks4you

    Somehow, It's Funny that Way

    8 6 7 - 5 3 0 9e-i-ine HOW COULD YOU FORGET?!?!?
  6. ducks4you

    Aurora Borealis visible this weekend in most of USA

    Scientists said that a solar storm that produces such a large aurora is very difficult to predict, hence the late notice, BUT, look to see the aurora tonight, May 10th, tomorrow, May 11th and Sunday, May 12th. Get away from city lights--my property IS away from city lights--and look between...
  7. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

    I finished my 6 weeks of physical therapy. The therapist started off with 3 weeks where I worked mostly with an intern, who I didn't think understood my particular issues. Last 3 sessions I had ONLY the physical therapist and his diagnosis is spot on. After overflexing the muscle behind my...
  8. ducks4you

    Phaedra's Adventure

    Those black scissors like just like the American Civil War Period, (1852-1865) scissors that the sutlers sold so you could use them in camp for hand sewing.
  9. ducks4you

    Chile, Chili, Chilli – chill out, dude!

    @Phaedra , have you ever watched, "Top Hat."? It is their Best film together, IMHO.
  10. ducks4you

    Wishing Baymule a Happy Day.

    Happy Birthday, Baymule!!! :hugs
  11. ducks4you


    Finishing coffee as I complete my prep for a Sellers Package today. I needed a hot drink to get the crap out of my throat. Happy Wednesday/humpday/garbage pick up day, all!! :love
  12. ducks4you


    UPDATE: Waterless Amayllis is now repotted and living happily by the sink, where I can keep an eye on it. Not the prettiest pot, but it's clay and new and isn't cracked, and has a drainage hole. What more could a waterless amaryllis ask for?!?!?
  13. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

    Here are the new roots on the Amayllis, that is still "waterless." It is Satisfying to save a plant that really wants to live. It isn't a pretty pot, but it Is new, and clay and it now lives next to the l s of the sink, so that I will remember it.
  14. ducks4you


    Coffee was great this morning! Had to go to a 7AM physical therapy appointment yesterday morning. I left at 6:25, thinking, "Man, I Don't want to be late!" So, I pull in to the parking lot. It is 7:02AM. My therapist is outside bc the door is locked and he had to call somebody to open it...
  15. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

    Repotted the Amaryllis. The roots grew a LOT while in it's temporary pot. I started a 72 cell starter tray with Better Boy tomatoes. Wasn't sure about the seeds that I saved, so I bought 2 packages of Burpee hybrid seeds since DH thinks all good tomatoes are red. I started a 26 cell starting...
  16. ducks4you

    Cigarettes buried in soil 1 year timelapse

    Like above the filters won't break down quickly. Is the point that cigarettes will not decompose quicky, or thrown out cigs don't hurt the environment? I have posted that I have found wood shavings, certainly more palatable, from used stall bedding at the bottom of a pile NOT decomposed after 5...
  17. ducks4you

    Bell pepper leaf curl

    This year my peppers are tiny, BUT, last year, before transplanting, I had my sweet peppers in potting soil in 2 inch pots in a fish tank sitting in 3 inches of water constantly, under a gro light and the fish tank was on top of a heat mat. The water was warm and they loved it. They love water...
  18. ducks4you

    Rose thread + poll!

    Sorry to hear that! :hugs The more I garden, the more I am convinced that you gotta have them established in the ground for them to survive cold temperatures.
  19. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

    Family aloe, that shrunk down to almost nothing and the cat tried to kill it! is doing well. It is on a ledge next to the south facing kitchen window. Poor soil, the toothpick is in there to help drainage, the "pot" is a small candle holder from Christmas. Surprisingly, it is right next to he...
  20. ducks4you


    "Waterless" Amaryllis update. It has been in the small, plastic "temporary" pot for several weeks now. Not much soiil, and I am keeping it watered. It lives on the kitchen window ledge, south facing Full sun, and doing very well. Perhaps I will check the roots and repot early next month.