

Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)



Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Finished first breakfast and on to herbal tea. There are several choices with the home-mix, the lemon verbena going great in the greenhouse, and if you are up to it this morning – ginger tea. Coffee for the drip, decaf instant and a specialty from the Asian market.

Laundry in the washer and a load already in the dryer. There won't be any hanging on the line, today. The half moon was shining through earlier but the clouds keep coming. Late esterday afternoon, it hailed and worried me a little but it was fairly light stuff. I will see how well small cabbage and kale faired in a little while. Likely, it won't be out of the 50's and I'll have to wait until late afternoon to mow the lawn without making a mess.

Yesterday, we had a 10 AM appointment. I went out expecting to rinse blown dust and the dried rain sprinkles off the car. Yeah, something of a mess. But, Oh No – a flat tire!

Had DW call the office to say that we would be late. Never having done more than check the pressure in the spare on this car, I'm opening compartments for tools that I had only glanced in previously. Puny jack — I'm off to the garage for something bigger. Got my decent lug wrench ... back, hurry-scurry! Screw in sidewall ... Spare on. Nope, not late. Sheesh!

Steve, former parttime old-time gas station attendant :)


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Finishing my coffee. Slept late. Going outside in a few minutes to get chores done and go to Lufkin for a few things. Finally got dogs on a kibble they like, so now go buy 5 bags of it. Just wish it came in 50# instead of only 44# bags. I feel cheated out of those other 6 pounds. LOL I quit shopping at my favorite store, Tractor Supply. They got a new CEO about a year ago who has turned the company “woke”. They can take their agenda and stick it where the sun don’t shine. I’m gone. The woke ideology plainly states ALL white people are racist because they are white. I deeply resent that and I refuse to shop at a store where their company statement supports such crap. I’ll take my money elsewhere.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Finishing my coffee. Slept late. Going outside in a few minutes to get chores done and go to Lufkin for a few things. Finally got dogs on a kibble they like, so now go buy 5 bags of it. Just wish it came in 50# instead of only 44# bags. I feel cheated out of those other 6 pounds. LOL I quit shopping at my favorite store, Tractor Supply. They got a new CEO about a year ago who has turned the company “woke”. They can take their agenda and stick it where the sun don’t shine. I’m gone. The woke ideology plainly states ALL white people are racist because they are white. I deeply resent that and I refuse to shop at a store where their company statement supports such crap. I’ll take my money elsewhere.

i'm not Woke. i don't use that word i think it sounds as ignorant as all get out, but at the same time i think you're just setting up a strawman argument just to knock it down.

i also don't think that all white people are racist just because they are white, but i do think that some white people are racist just like i think some other people of other colors are also racist.

if i wanted to be less than open and genuine i could say that most of my life and experience is that older people of my own color are very racist and if i counted the numbers of negative comments about people of other colors almost all of them would be from older white people, but that just is wrong, because i know what selection bias means...

now if you'd like to actually talk about racism and Tractor Supply policies which ticked you off (other than making packages 44# instead of 50#) maybe that would be interesting. otherwise you sound like you're venting...

to be fair i've not looked at any recent studies about racism in the USoA. so i went and looked and found about what i expected:

"Nearly half of Americans (46%) say there is “a lot” of discrimination against Black people. About three-in-ten see a lot of discrimination against Hispanic people (30%) and Asian people (27%).

Americans are much less likely to say there is discrimination against White people: 40% say White people face at least some discrimination, and just 14% say White people face a lot of discrimination, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted March 1-7, 2021."

ok, so what about more recently?

  • 53% say people not seeing racial discrimination where it really does exist is the bigger problem.
  • 45% point to people seeing racial discrimination where it really doesn’t exist as the larger issue.
Views on this have changed in recent years, according to Pew Research Center surveys. In 2019, 57% said people overlooking racial discrimination was the bigger problem, while 42% pointed to people seeing it where it really didn’t exist. That gap has narrowed from 15 to 8 percentage points."

note that this narrowing supports my own view and experience that much of the racism i've experienced is from older people who were raised differently than i was (and this is not due to my own parents because they're both racist in different degrees).

i would like to see racism surveys done broken down by age groups and see what those trends look like, but that's a topic for another day...


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Now I want the second coffee, but it's almost 5pm, need to wait until tomorrow, sigh.

do you not have a 2nd cup later in the day because you are trying to avoid caffiene or just because you're rather drink tea instead?

i have found some of the coffee substitutes acceptable (since i usually put creamer and sugar in the coffee anyways) if i really want something like coffee - i don't normally drink real coffee any more because of caffiene and i don't really want decaffinated coffee either. so acceptable once in a while is ok.

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