Recent content by Nifty

  1. Nifty

    Gallery for TEG?

    Thanks for the suggestion! It's something we've been considering!
  2. Nifty

    Sprouting Alfalfa Seeds & Broccoli Seeds for Yummy Sprouts

    If we like the broccoli and alfalfa, we'll def. try a mix next! Ahh... thank you!!! It was a fun project that forced me to learn some new design skills.
  3. Nifty

    Sprouting Alfalfa Seeds & Broccoli Seeds for Yummy Sprouts

    I'm combining two hobbies this week! I've designed and 3D printed strainers / sieves for wide-mouth mason jars to sprout Alfalfa & Broccoli seedlings. This has the "feet" and strainer together so I can simply put a lid on and drain the seeds. I have another version where the legs and the...
  4. Nifty

    Annual Pear Harvest - Drying

    I fill a large glass bowl with a mix of water, sugar, lemon juice. Then I put a strainer that fits just perfect inside of it. Immediately after the pears are sliced, they go into the strainer inside the bowl and get swished around a lot in the mix. Then I pull up/out the strainer, shake it a...
  5. Nifty

    Annual Pear Harvest - Drying

    When I was little my family would pick / dry pears from our trees. I didn't do a great job keeping up the tradition with my kids, but we did a small batch last year in our tiny food dehydrator. They enjoyed the process, loved the results, and everyone we shared them with loved them too. So...
  6. Nifty

    No longer receiving notifications

    That's a great troubleshooting idea. A different email with a different provider would be a great way to help isolate the issue.
  7. Nifty

    No longer receiving notifications

    Hmm.... that stars getting over my payscale since the emails are sent from the software through the server and I don't know how I'd track that stuff. I'll noodle on it and do some digging to see if there's a way... but again, it's tricky when it's relatively isolated to specific individuals.
  8. Nifty

    No longer receiving notifications

    Sorry you're still having problems. Since our server is sending emails successfully to other members, I'm not sure what to do. It's possible that for some reason your email provider could be sending our emails to spam or just not delivering them all-together. Again, it's tricky for us to...
  9. Nifty

    No longer receiving notifications

    Just FYI: I haven't been able to find any reasons why this isn't / shouldn't be working, but I'll keep digging! (I've been receiving the emails just fine... even received one on the 17th about a thread I'm subscribed to)
  10. Nifty

    Missing Emoties

    This is a known bug and the devs are working on it (but low priority :( ) Thanks for your patience as we wait to see it fixed :)
  11. Nifty

    Welcome back everyone!

    Sorry about the inconvenience! Server company changed our IP address and I didn't get the memo, so I was in a mad-scramble with helpers to get things resolved. Basically, the server and software were all fine... just the address changed and the interwebs didn't know how to connect your browser...
  12. Nifty

    Missing Emoties

    Short version: There's a bug in the software that we're hoping will be fixed soon and should resolve the missing smiley issue :)
  13. Nifty

    Lucky Bamboo - Care, Maintenance, and Propagation

    Some good news!! I thought all was lost, but there is some decent root growth on the remaining clippings that didn't die!
  14. Nifty

    Error messages when posting replies to articles

    Ok, I think it should be fixed / resolved now. If you see the error again, please refresh the page and try again. If it continues, report the details here.