Recent content by seedcorn

  1. seedcorn

    Garden humor thread..

    Why I go to part time job
  2. seedcorn


    Sti Still easy
  3. seedcorn


    Need oil. Drill holes in top of stump, allow it to soak in, then light.
  4. seedcorn


    If you aren’t going to burn for a while, soak stump in 28%. Microbes will work in fiber. Will burn better next time. Otherwise, pour oil on it & burn, burn, burn.
  5. seedcorn


    Kale is pretty but why buy kale when cardboard is free?
  6. seedcorn


    So why do I want to buy & eat an expensive bland fruit? Is it related to kale?
  7. seedcorn


    So what did they taste like? Were they bland?u
  8. seedcorn

    Deer Joe

    Surprised PETA not all over that.
  9. seedcorn

    My whole corn crop, eaten!

    Trust me that you really don’t want birds attacking corn ears. They introduce fusarium which leads to nasty toxins or gibb. Seeing a field of white or pink ears is not a pretty sight
  10. seedcorn

    My whole corn crop, eaten!

    @Zeedman enjoy a great discussion. I’ve never seen birds attack corn without the corn having insects first-usually ear worms. Agree the birds destroyed the corn. Just disagree why.
  11. seedcorn

    My whole corn crop, eaten!

    Not to be disagreeable but the birds find the bugs and strip back the husks looking for more bugs. The bugs cause little problems. Just break the tips off and eat. Birds are another thing as they carry many nasties with them. As long as I saw zero fusarium, I’d break the uncovered part off &...
  12. seedcorn

    Garden humor thread..

    For the pea pickers
  13. seedcorn


    I have no idea what it is called. Twist the hook 7+ times, place end through bottom loop, tighten & fish. Until 4 years ago hadn’t fished in decades-literally. Went with younger guy who lives to fish. I acted like I didn’t know how to tie on, so he is doing that. Then when I caught a fish...
  14. seedcorn

    Garden humor thread..

    Driving too fast in adverse conditions is a judgement call based on skills and type & condition of vehicle. IF a driver is afraid of conditions, unless an emergency, stay home. Hate it when someone is driving way below speed limit with string of vehicles behind them. In Indiana, 3 vehicles...
  15. seedcorn

    Garden humor thread..

    Quite common in Illinois. Once we heard sirens, away we went looking for funnel. Great fun. As long as you could see it moving you were fine,