morning grrrrrr


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
hum dw cat is not making any more noise in the dryer... just looked dang the fluff setting works

I see you added bleach after all.
Would you be surprised to find out your cat was a rabbit?


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
the saga continues.......
for the last year our sliding glass door has been falling apart. figured its was time to replace it, looked in the local paper found a couple handyman ads, called them nope they dont to manufactured homes..

looked on under manufactured home repair, called 4 of them....nope they dont do glass doors but will do everything else...

called a glass company in w/s nope they dont do either ,finally asked why? those doors are designed for manufactured homes and we dont carry them to much can go wrong..ok he was honest about it...

called a mobile home supply company and asked if they have anyone they can recommend he gave me 3 numbers
1. he just had back surgery
2. he just retired..
3. yes he can do it ,but i have to do all the leg work for him and pay up front....not

finally looked up clayton homes...
first one no answer left message
called the other very nice person he asked for the data plate info opened the closet and read it off to him, think i have a door in stock but my parts man is on vacation till next monday can you wait till then....sure
if we dont have one with all the info you gave me we should be able to get one.... so give me a week i have your number...

so now its a waiting game....

sure love to get this done soon...


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
you got to love salesmen.....

yesterday while calling around for quotes to replace the door, for laughs called champion windows.. well dang he showed up.
yes i knew they where going to be higher in cost....
anyway after listening to his required talk, he took measurements yup we can do it ,it's will have to be custom door since this is a manufacturer home....
thinking to myself no dah..

okay lets talk price..!
he sat there going though his charts..heres the price 8620.00
okay thats the manufacturers price now whats your list price?
um lets see what i can do hows 5630.00
your still way out of line...looking to spend no more than 3900 turn key..
dont think i can do that...let me make a call. he talked with his supervisor on speaker at that point i got involved into the conversion...
i can have a door custom built for 2000 and have a handyman install for around a 1000, have seen champions doors and windows and really like them, i know you have a little wiggle room on pricing whats the best price you can give me today turn key installation!!!!
the best i can do is 4300..
nope your still out of my price range...
we do have a program where when an opening happens you would be first to fill the slot, it might take a little longer to install..
okay whats your bottom price, i would hate to be wasting everyone's time..
hows 3805
make it 3800 and you have a deal as long as we have a understanding the 3800 is the turn key price and installed no later than sept 1st..

signed the contact and wrote a check for the 30% sometime in the next 8 weeks we will have a new sliding glass door way better than a regular manufactured home slider door with a lifetime warranty...