Recent content by baymule

  1. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    I got 5 1/2” last night. Other areas were slammed. Flooding all over southeast Texas. I spent the day glued to the news on TV, calling and texting my sister, and calling and texting her best friend. It’s been a day. I’m posting what I posted on BYH today. 11:30 this morning My sister is...
  2. baymule


    Finishing my coffee. Slept late. Going outside in a few minutes to get chores done and go to Lufkin for a few things. Finally got dogs on a kibble they like, so now go buy 5 bags of it. Just wish it came in 50# instead of only 44# bags. I feel cheated out of those other 6 pounds. LOL I quit...
  3. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    My area got pounded by the storm. The high school in Trinity, 40 miles from me, recorded 17 inches of rain. Other area got up to 18 inches, all in a very short time of 4-6 hours. Surrounding counties were hit hard too. Polk county where I lived for 30 years has been declared a disaster area. All...
  4. baymule

    I live beach side in eastern central Florida and I want to make a vegetable garden. I prefer organic. Does anyone have tips? Sandy soil and salt air.

    I lived in northeast Texas on what was called sugar sand. Pure white sand with no nutrients. I have sheep and at that time, chickens and horses too . My garden was 100’x70’. I cleaned out chicken coop, sheep barn, horse barn and put it all in the garden. I was there 6 years. When I sold it...
  5. baymule

    Garden humor thread..

  6. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Got 4” of rain. Most all of it has soaked in or run off.
  7. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    From the Sheriff’s FB page. He’s a funny guy if y’all want to follow him. He puts it all out there, makes videos of arrests too. Look at his videos. One of my favorites is Methy 911 Call. A meth head actually called 911 wanting deputies to come get the people out of the walls of his house. How...
  8. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Big storm here last night. Power went off at 8PM, came back on at 4:45 AM. So many lightning strikes that it was a strobe light show. Pounding hard rain for 5 hours. I could look out the window and see that my cow panel sheep shelters were still standing in the lightening flashes. I’m on my...
  9. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    What a lovely thing to say. Thank you! You are my bright spot. I love your cooking creations and gardening. The picture you post is good for my soul.
  10. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    I’ve divided up ewes between 3 rams. Cooper has 6, Ringo 2.0 has 2, Rocky has 5. So that will be 13 ewes lambing in October. Bottle babies are full time outside, in a small pen. I take them their bottles. I’m going to put them back in with the ewes and lambs. I’ll take their bottles and call...
  11. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    You aren’t going to believe this! Last year in hard drought, big round bales were $150. I found some of the small size, 4’x5’ for $65 and bought 31 bales. It looked like it came out of a “low bottom land” field. You know, land too low to cut for hay because it’s wet. But not in a drought! Lots...
  12. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Lambing has concluded. 32 lambs born, one dead, 31 live lambs. Sheba has been a Champion. Her laid back attitude has been reassurance to the ewes. I haven’t seen a ewe stomp her foot one time at Sheba for getting too close to their lambs. Ewes are completely at ease with her. Ewes trust...
  13. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    The last 3 ewes lambed. Twin rams, twin ewe and ram and lastly a single ewe. The ewe with twin ewe and ram, rejected the ram. Oh no you don’t! I penned her up, she beat the ram lamb up, butting him away. So I put a dog collar on her and tied her up. Now he can nurse. The witch kicks him off...
  14. baymule


    Coffee is ready! I’ve been busy over the past few weeks. I slaughtered 37 Cornish Cross chickens and all went to freezer camp. A customer ordered 20 and I was happy to oblige. Lots of hard work though. At same time, ewes were lambing, I have 3 bottle lambs, for a total of 30 lambs plus one ewe...