Recent content by epeloquin

  1. E

    How much room for potatoes?

    To me it is like raising chickens. My eggs cost more than I could buy them for in the supermarkey but my eggs taste 100x better and I know where they are coming from and that the chickens are treated well. Maybe some stuff in our gardens could be purchased cheaper but I sure like providing my...
  2. E

    Watermelon Fail

    I am in 5b/6a area and I have had trouble too. However, I had a muckmelon spontaneously sprout from my compost heap in early September and by very early October I had softball sized fruit. There was not enough time for them to mature but if I had planted them earlier they would have. The seeds...
  3. E

    How much room for potatoes?

    I have seen people plant potatoes in a composted straw bale. Has anyone ever has success with that? I planted this year in my compost heap and did pretty well for my first time with potatoes. I am loking forward to doing it again this year.
  4. E

    Building a chicken coup ...HELP?

    If you go to BackYard Chickens I have a page there. I am very new to this forum so I can't post my pics but you can see my coop being built here...