Recent content by HappyHomestead

  1. HappyHomestead

    Deer or Human?

    One of the cleverest signs I ever saw was posted in front of a raspberry patch: Do Not Eat (Skull and crossbones) Recently Sprayed. That sign has been up all summer :)
  2. HappyHomestead

    Planning for winter, can I compost directly in the garden beds?

    The chickens are giving us lots of compost material as well as eggs, and I'm running out of room in the bin. I'm wondering, can I spread unfinished compost over the bare garden space and cover it for the winter, or does it really need to be finished first? Thanks!
  3. HappyHomestead

    Potato harvest

    Potatoes are so much fun :) Best crop I ever got I didn't even plant - didn't even know what it was till I pulled it up in the fall! After that I was hooked. Good job!
  4. HappyHomestead

    Yukon Gold potato harvest

    wsmoak, I never bother with buying seed potatoes, I buy a variety from our local co-op and let them go to seed over the winter. They're sure fun to grow - good job!
  5. HappyHomestead

    Fencing for the vegetable garden, ideas?

    I ran the picket fence past him and he thought it was a good idea. Maybe this season, certainly next. :)
  6. HappyHomestead

    I'm SO excited!

    That's great - have fun!
  7. HappyHomestead

    Fencing for the vegetable garden, ideas?

    Thanks so much! My husband is the one who doesn't want to look at a fence. I could be quite happy looking at razor wire and all my happy veggies inside :) Like the picket idea.
  8. HappyHomestead

    Fencing for the vegetable garden, ideas?

    Hey guys :) Do you have ideas and/or pictures of favorite fences for your vegetable garden? Our garden space is about 24 feet square, and the problem is it's right in front of the house where most of our windows are. My husband is really not crazy about looking through an 8' fence (I don't...
  9. HappyHomestead

    I'm SO excited!

    A roast beef sandwich just isn't the same without horseradish :) Peel it, grate it, then add a little vinegar and salt. Don't breathe in directly over your mixture! I was just thinking, a good way to grow horseradish would be in a container so it doesn't take over the garden.
  10. HappyHomestead


    Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing! We've noticed a lot more honey bees around lately. Hopefully they're on the upswing :)
  11. HappyHomestead

    Happy gardner

    How fun! I love looking at gardening stuff with my morning coffee - it spurs me on to go out and garden :)
  12. HappyHomestead

    I'm SO excited!

    Horseradish spreads like nobody's business - it's awfully good, fortunately :)
  13. HappyHomestead

    Glad I found you!

    Y'all are a fine cross section of the country :) Probably a little warmer than we are today - I'm thinking about starting a fire in the woodstove! Thanks for the warm welcome :)
  14. HappyHomestead

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    A good question would be, who isn't from BYC? :)