Recent content by Kismet

  1. Kismet

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I have had good luck with celery (unless the groundhogs invade). There is always more than I can eat fresh, so I dry a lot and use it all year in soups and stews. I also put up a lot of soup in my pressure canner and use it when I make vegetable soup and chicken stock. Excuse my ignorance, but...
  2. Kismet

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    They look delicious! But, how can you ever get them out of the ground? Our ground is solidly frozen and even if we didn't have three feet of snow, I wouldn't be able to pull them up.
  3. Kismet

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Six days a go I started celery inside (it's 4 degrees out with 3 feet of snow). The package said 14 to 21 days for germination. I put the two flats, in a plastic bag, on the top warming shelf of my wood stove where they stay about 77 degrees. Yesterday, I peeked and I have tiny seedlings all...
  4. Kismet

    Ideas for a large, short-season, juicing, red tomato?

    I've read this whole thread and another one. After all the much appreciated input, I have decided to try Parks's Whopper Improved Hybrid, Defiant Hybrid, and Mountain Merit Hybrid, plus a paste and cherry. Last year (besides groundhogs taking a bite out of each partially ripened tomato), I had...
  5. Kismet

    Major groundhog problems

    I have had a terrible problem with groundhogs that this past summer became a major infestation - a family or two. They ate all my cole plants, cilantro, carrot and beet tops, kale, swiss chard, sunflowers, nasturtiums, finally they started on the celery and tomatoes. I have tried sulfur bombs...