Recent content by SPedigrees

  1. SPedigrees

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    Pictures needed!
  2. SPedigrees

    Goin' to the Dogs!

    Middle color sample for sure.
  3. SPedigrees

    Happy Earth Day everyone!

    Thank you.
  4. SPedigrees

    Happy Earth Day everyone!

    A relative gave me this "Aerogarden" thingie some time ago. I had no use for the seeded plugs or chemical fertilizer it came with, nor the automatic watering system, so I adapted it to hold two small pots. I did a test planting of organic pea seeds and they are nearing harvest now to go into...
  5. SPedigrees

    Goin' to the Dogs!

    What a struggle it is for human children to learn to walk! And how easily amused this little dog is!
  6. SPedigrees

    Your Weather, 2024

    Good that the tree branch didn't damage your car, but awful about the bad driver dangers. No matter how safe you drive, there are always those who don't. They drive among us. Here's hoping your poor car has seen the last of bad driver attacks.
  7. SPedigrees

    Your Weather, 2024

    Heavy wet snow hit here last night too, and still coming down. Both dogs were afraid to go out in it this morning at first, I think because they feared that last night's howling winds were still out there, waiting to strike. Winter, be gone! We're all sick of you.
  8. SPedigrees


    This sounds like a matter for the police, and for updating physical locks on doors and windows. Perhaps hidden webcams. In other words pull out all the stops to secure your home *before* another break-in occurs. I'm sorry this happened to you, and hopefully it won't again.
  9. SPedigrees

    Joy in the Little Things

    Phaedra, if reincarnation is a thing, I want to be reborn as one of your animals! They are the luckiest of all creatures, and it makes me happy to see them in your pictures. :) Love your journal. I don't have the paper version of such a journal, but I do keep a folder of photos of my gardens...
  10. SPedigrees


    "Trust No One." Words to live by. I've become very interested in Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) and think this will be the security protocol of the near future, replacing passwords and other easy-to hack gate-keeping strategies. Basically it is a means of verifying a person's identity without...
  11. SPedigrees

    Your Weather, 2024

    Only if the ground is still frozen, and ours is.. rock solid. Spring has yet to spring. When it does, we'll have a second mud season.
  12. SPedigrees

    Your Weather, 2024

    Good luck to the worms trying to emerge from the ground; we still have about a foot of snow.
  13. SPedigrees


    Our foot and a half of snow is melting too. I was planning to go out tomorrow to the post office, dump, and egg stand, and I'm thinking now it will still be possible. Plowed driveway and town road are melting down to pavement/gravel, and thankfully the snow that fell on the paths I shoveled...
  14. SPedigrees

    Baymule’s Farm

    They all look so comfortable in there.
  15. SPedigrees

    Baymule’s Farm

    Truth. Especially those big fuzzy bumblebees. Bees are only interested in collecting pollen, doing good deeds basically, while predatory wasps and hornets have a whole different mind set. All of these species will defend their nests, but bees are far less likely to claim real estate close to...