Search results

  1. unclejoe

    Chickens in gardens? Not always a good idea.

    Yep. I have everything fenced in. I open the gate in late fall so they can get in and clean things up a bit as well as fertilize. When planting starts in the spring, the gate gets closed. A couple years ago I was doing some harvesting and forgot to close the gate when I went in the house. That...
  2. unclejoe

    lots of eggs

    You could always dehydrate them. I started doing it a few years ago. So far this year I have 4 pint jars filled with dried egg. I get about 3 dozen in each jar. You won't be able to have sunny-side up but you can make omelets, scrambled or use it in any recipe calling for egg. I scramble the...
  3. unclejoe

    What did YOU do in your garden today :P

    Well at least I can see the ground now as opposed to snow. :rolleyes:
  4. unclejoe

    In Honor of Journey11-Post Duct Tape Pictures!

    I don't have any pics but a couple years ago I built a heater box for my truck with cardboard and DT. I had a fire under the dash which melted the plastic box that encloses the blower motor. It was a major undertaking to remove the dash and access the damaged parts and it was winter. Instead...
  5. unclejoe

    Today's sun set/rise around the world

    At the peak of summer it sets right next to that slope of the mountain. In the winter you wouldn't even see it in the pic from this angle. ETA. Can't seem to get the image to full size. :hu
  6. unclejoe

    How Long Before You Go Hungry?

    We could go a long time as well. With the garden, chickens and are stockpiles, we could go from one growing season to another just like was done before modern conveniences were available.
  7. unclejoe

    What did YOU do in your garden today :P

    I took a glance at the 6" of hard packed snow and ice as I walked by the garden. :rolleyes:
  8. unclejoe

    What could be better???

    Enjoying the fruits of your labor while watching the evening news showing frantic people, the day before a snowstorm, scrambling at the grocery store hoping to get tonight's meal before the shelves are bare. :D
  9. unclejoe

    Article on canning green beans

    I agree. If there's any meat in my jars, they get processed for the full 75/90min. Even doing high acid tomato sauce, if I put meat in it, it gets the full treatment.
  10. unclejoe

    Enjoying the Full Moon?

    Nothing but overcast and drizzle here. :(
  11. unclejoe

    The Morning After...

    Ours must have been at the same party. :D
  12. unclejoe

    What have you canned or preserved today?

    We had about half of a 14lb ham left over from Christmas. I cut up about 2lbs of it, ran it through a food processor and made ham salad. Canned 4 pints.
  13. unclejoe

    Need help Navigating? Almost any of us will help you!

    I use the latest version of FF and I have 4 tabs open right now. Links or forum buttons react immediately when I click on them and I don't see any reduction in speed. It just seems odd to see that little green circle spinning all the time. :hu
  14. unclejoe

    Need help Navigating? Almost any of us will help you!

    Not really a navigation question but I've noticed that every page seems to be in a constant state of loading. By that I mean the little circle in the tab which indicates activity is always spinning and at the bottom of the page, above the start button it always says "Read"...
  15. unclejoe

    New Member Introductions: Where???

    I'll weigh in here. This morning I received an email announcing the new format. I haven't been here since '09 and quite honestly I had forgotten about it. I followed the link and to my surprise, actually remembered my password. The first thing I did was look around for a "new members" section...
  16. unclejoe

    ENDED - TEG Picture Contest - Winter 2013

    Sunset from the front porch.
  17. unclejoe

    ENDED - TEG Picture Contest - Winter 2013

    Taking a nap by the wood stove. That cast iron leg makes a great pillow.
  18. unclejoe

    TEG Members Map (pin your location)

    I haven't been here for a looooong time. Actually kinda forgot about it. :oops: Got an email overnight announcing the format change and decided to stop in and have a look. I even remembered my password! :eek: :) I put my pin on the map and I'll have a look around when I have more time. Wonder...