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  1. chicken stalker

    over grown green beans

    I just got back from vacation and I'm inundated with overgrown green beans. The beans themselves are about as big as a dime. What can I do with them???
  2. chicken stalker

    Growing Grocery Store Produce

    While reading the thread on raising horseradish from a grocery store's produce department, I began to wonder what else can be grown. Here's what I know of... Organic Potatoes Garlic Horseradish What elso can we start from the grocery store?
  3. chicken stalker

    Unknown bush

    I have several of these wild bushes around my property. The berries start out bright white then turn to bright blue. They are farly large woody brushes. The birds seem to love the berries. What is it?
  4. chicken stalker

    winter garden

    I would like to plant a winter garden but I have no clue what I could plant. I live in Zone 4 in New York I to late to get started. Any advise? Thanks