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  1. stepstephens2

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    There you go, but I'm not proud. It looks more impressive than the weight is... I discovered a bunch of insect damage on the bottom when I picked it up, so I'm assuming that is what is causing the low weight. I've been dreading posting about it because I feel like I should have paid more...
  2. stepstephens2

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    You've got me beat- my biggest was only 16 lbs.
  3. stepstephens2

    I have a stupid question about canning tomato sauce...

    I like that idea, I'm gonna have to do that next time... I make a lot of soups in the winter. :)
  4. stepstephens2

    How is your Tomato Harvest Going?

    Off the tomato topic, but what kind of carrots are those? I grow a lot of Nantes, but I like that those look more straight and narrow...
  5. stepstephens2

    I have a stupid question about canning tomato sauce...

    :thumbsup Glad it worked for you too! If the tomatoes are willing to help you make thicker sauce by separating THEMSELVES from all the extra juice, I say let them... :D
  6. stepstephens2

    sunflower seeds question

    I grow the Giant Russian Sunflowers and toast them in the oven how Smiles said... with one exception, I put them in a paper bag with A LOT of Kosher salt and shake them for about 2 minutes beforehand. The larger crystals of salt rub off a little easier onto the shells. You're going to be left...
  7. stepstephens2

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    Ok... candied habaneros done! Came out lovely and crisp. I'm thinking about using to make vanilla habanero ice cream. They will probably end up in cheesecake. I have munched on several and they are not for someone who doesn't like the burn, that is for sure... The nice thing about the...
  8. stepstephens2

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    I'm attempting to make candied red habanero peppers... According to my recipe, it takes a few days to make because I have to keep adding sugar. I double gloved my hands, but they somehow still ended up with chili on them because they are on fire. Additionally I touched my face and it is now on...
  9. stepstephens2


    Learn to love pickling if it's not tomatoes. Tomatoes you have to add bottled lemon juice or citric acid (I use Mrs. Wages.) There are a ton of mothers out there that didn't use a pressure canner for things and lived... but, basically, it comes down to that if you don't follow the USDA...
  10. stepstephens2

    Stinging nettle everywhere! Help?

    Thanks. :) It has all died out now, but it will be back again next spring.
  11. stepstephens2

    I have a stupid question about canning tomato sauce...

    That's actually what I have been doing... Leaving it out overnight with some salt took out moisture than squeezing them. It was really amazing. Within 15 minutes of heating and blending I was starting to near paste in thickness. The tomatoes were tracing like how soap does.
  12. stepstephens2

    I have a stupid question about canning tomato sauce...

    I've been canning for a few years now- long enough to know the official answer to any canning question is "No, you can't do that and you're going to die of botulism poisoning.":th But I'm going to go ahead and ask anyways. I'm always working on trying to get my tomato sauce thicker. I hate...
  13. stepstephens2

    My Kiefer lime makes a liar out of the books

    I've been wanting one of those and didn't get one because of that reason... thanks, now I won't be as reluctant. :) I found a local place that carries Buddha's Hand, I think I'm still going to get one of those to add to my mini citrus orchard (1 lemon tree, 1 lime tree, and 1 red grapefruit is...
  14. stepstephens2

    How is your Tomato Harvest Going?

    Thanks! With the exception of the San Marzano, I had decided to grow them based mostly on their color/shape. I picked the green sausage knowing that it got horrible reviews for taste and a few other things (i.e. the plant looks weird and spindly.) So far, I have to agree with the reviews...
  15. stepstephens2

    Powdery Mildew

    I had a problem with it on some of my squash plants. I used the neem. What I noticed was that it didn't stop it from killing the leaves that it was already on, but it did stop its spread to other leaves. I think all of these things work more like a control than something that actually cures...
  16. stepstephens2

    How is your Tomato Harvest Going?

    That's what I picked today. This is the 4th basket like that I've gotten so far. It was fun at first, but I'm starting to feel like my plants are trying to see if I'll drop dead in the heat while picking. They are Green Sausage, Goliath, Cherokee Purple, Black Tula, San Marzano, and Martinos.
  17. stepstephens2

    What type of caterpillar is this? It's huge!

    I have a story about these! My mom would find these on tomato plants all the time when I was little. My brother loved to collect off the wall pets so she let him keep one of them. He thought it was a good idea to put it in with one of his tarantulas. Apparently, the spider and the...
  18. stepstephens2

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    I haven't tried it with squash or pumpkins... but have you tried putting 1 tbs. epsom salt in a gallon of water then spraying your tomato foliage with it? It works like a charm with tomatoes and peppers. I have tomatoes and peppers dripping off of plants this year. I swear by it! It prevents...
  19. stepstephens2

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    Scg- My chicken scars aren't nearly as impressive... but I agree that it should be the qualifications for 2nd place. If Cats Critters and Gardens keeps that first pumpkin going you guys could have a serious race on your hands! It takes talent to nurse these things through damage, especially...
  20. stepstephens2

    What can I do with hot peppers . . .

    Oooh, those peppers look fabulous! I grew the scorpion peppers because they were supposed to rival the Ghost Chilis in heat (which I am also growing- but so far have only produced 2 small peppers.) A lot of times it is hard making your own recipes for jams and jellies because if you add too...