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  1. D

    Pecan Trees

    We have several pecan trees on our property that were planted a few years ago by a previous owner. We have too many here and only want to keep a few out in our pastures for the horses as nice shade. Im not sure exactly how many years old they are, but they are well grown and getting to the point...
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    stink bugs on my squash!

    i have been noticing stink bugs (not sure the technical name for them) all over my yellow squash plants, leaves stem and the squash themselves. they are not quite ready to pick yet, but im worried the bugs are going to damage and kill my plants. what do you all use on your veggies and fruits to...
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    total garden newbie! many questions!

    get out of town! im a yankee too lol born and raised in Massachusetts :hide where might you be from!? also, thanks to everyone for all your advice. I am going to start some new seeds for the ones i had no luck with, and try again :tools
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    total garden newbie! many questions!

    hello everyone, i am in NC and i am attempting a successful garden this year! every other year i have gotten overwhelmed with weeds or something and my plants never do well. i joke that instead of a green thumb, i have a black thumb! everything sprouts and then i plant outside and a few weeks...