Search results

  1. S

    Garden heliostat?

    The Location I selected for my garden is not great, but is the best I could do in my yard. It is long and narrow, running north and south, and bordered by a privacy fence to the west and a garage to the east. So it only gets direct sunlight for a couple of hours on either side of high noon. I...
  2. S

    What to do with grass?

    I'm starting my first in-the-ground garden in the back yard, which is covered in carpet grass and weeds. The front yard has a huge patch of bare ground, and I've been cutting squares of sod out of the back yard to re-sod the front yard and also to create a space for the garden. Now, I've...
  3. S

    My watermelon's future uncertain...

    My watermelons did very well when I planted them. The plants grew fast and big and very green and healthy looking. They flowered, grew melons, and maybe in the span of 1 week starting when the melons were tiny, my melons grew to about softball size. then I started getting some kind of disease on...
  4. S

    What do these flies want?

    I went out to water my tomato plants and these large flies are all over. I have not seen flies like this before. They are the biggest flies I have ever seen, not including horseflies (the giant biting type). They are not horseflies, but are very big. They don't seem to be eating my plants, but...
  5. S

    bleach in the water (how to kill mosquitos)?

    I collect rain water in a couple kiddie pools which I use to water my plants. Only problem is, mosquitoes lay their eggs in it and I get those nasty little larvae. I don't need any more mosquitoes. Someone recommended I put a cap full of bleach in the water; he said it would kill the skeeters...
  6. S

    Strantor is in Texas.

    I figure I'll probably be hanging around here asking stupid questions for a long time, so I might as well introduce myself. Copied & pasted from my member page: Hi, I'm Strantor. Of course that's not my real name, but close enough. I'm 26, married, 2 kids. Veteran of the US Navy Submarine...
  7. S

    Problems with watermelon and cilantro et. al.

    Hi, First post here. I'm a gardening noob. You gardening gurus will be the first knowledgeable eyes cast on these plants, so if you see something that not right, don't assume I already know about it. My daughter and I wanted to plant a garden, so I bought some potting soil and seeds and...