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  1. rosehunter8


    Update!...the white cosmos I planted is finally flowering and Im hoping they get done before it freezes here...crossing my fingers.....I didnt realize this type took so long to flower..... Oh here's my orange ones
  2. rosehunter8

    Your Pride and Joy Of The Season

    I am very proud of a rose I transplanted. This rose was on the fence line between our properties in full shade and not doing very well at all. I dug it up with as much root as possible, replanted in full sun. I kept it watered and covered so the sun wouldn't completely dry it out and kill it...
  3. rosehunter8


    I love Cosmos......very easy to grow in many soils.....I started growing orange ones 3 years ago....they seed like crazy.....just got done doing some deadheading since its still warm here.....more buds are popping out:) ....the white ones I planted aren't flowering all that much :(...2 flowers...
  4. rosehunter8

    Where did all the lightning bugs (fireflies) go this summer?

    That might be because they are all in Wisconsin....we had a great light show this I tried to take a couple pictures but they didn't turn out well....I turned of the flash....some were visible but not what was actually out there.......:P
  5. rosehunter8

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Also planted two white and the other purple 2 weeks ago....well the white one is good and growing....the other not sure if it survived the rabbit attack.....grrrrrr.
  6. rosehunter8

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Not really planting I guess....but my first rose clippings from a rambler rose are planted.....gonna see how it does.....I put the stem in half sand - half composted manure...all mixed together of course.....I cant wait to see what develops.....
  7. rosehunter8

    An official name for this rose?.....

    Hi everyone, My very 1st post and glad to be here! I have a rose that I transplanted from shade to full sun in '07 since it wasn't getting very big. I thought the full sun would make it show its true colors ;)....It looks a lot better but doesn't grow much more than 2 feet tall. Any...