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  1. akyramoto

    How to use crushed egg shell in garden

    I heard some where that tomatoes don't like ash. I had some planted last year over an old burn pile area, I didn't get any tomatoes all season. I could be totally wrong, but that's what I've heard.
  2. akyramoto

    tomatoes not turning red!?!

    i'm gonna laugh if all them ripen at the same time. tomato overload hehe.
  3. akyramoto

    tomatoes not turning red!?!

    yes i probably am. lol. thanks tho.
  4. akyramoto

    tomatoes not turning red!?!

    My tomato plants have TONS of tomatoes on them - but they're not ripening.......i saw my friends garden about 20 miles north of me & she's having the same problem. All of her plants are filled, but no red! anyone know whats going on??
  5. akyramoto

    Composting chicken poop

    I personally let my chicken poo compost it least 4 months, if not longer. I don't use the deep litter method. I have straw that gets taken out to the compost pile every week or two. I would recommend letting it compost in the pile for awhile. I would say it wouldn't be ready for that spring's...
  6. akyramoto

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I planted blue corn today. My friend gave me six that she had started. This weekend I planted white corn, I think it's 'Silver queen' had quite the time finding corn seeds around here this time of year.
  7. akyramoto

    Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

    i wish I could do that, my grass clippings have tons of foxtails in them :(
  8. akyramoto

    another corn question :)

    here's a little info about the companion planting of corn, squash & beans it's called the 'three sisters' The Three Sisters: Age-old Companions One of the oldest and best-known examples of companion planting is the Three Sisters garden, planted by many Native American cultures. The sisters...
  9. akyramoto

    Feeding veggies

    My best friend who is my main 'gardening' mentor - has told me in the past to use Osmacote plant food for everything. It seems to work well. Is there something else I should be using? also is there a difference between plant 'food' and fertilizer?
  10. akyramoto

    chicken poo 'tea'

    i found this...... Laboratory analysis showed that raw poultry manure tea is not a complete fertilizer solution, but that nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and zinc are at adequate levels in the solution from this link - it goes into great detail about the 'tea'...
  11. akyramoto

    chicken poo 'tea'

    depends on how old it is, chicken poo is super hot. You can't go wrong with putting it in the compost pile
  12. akyramoto

    When is the best time to plant onions and garlic?

    REALLY!?! wow i learn something everyday on this forum.
  13. akyramoto

    When is the best time to plant onions and garlic?

    I honestly have no idea! i'm in zone 9 - and i just planted some onion seeds, going to plant some garlic too. sorry, I'm not a lot of help!
  14. akyramoto

    another corn question :)

    ok - so i def want to do the flood irrigation type system..... i have a question ( i'm thinking its a dumb one! lol), can I still put mulch around the corn & pumpkins in the 'flood area' ?? would i still be able to irrigate if I were using straw as a weed mulch or would it just fill in my...
  15. akyramoto

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    i just started some seeds today I planted big max pumpkins sweet 'cooking' pumpkins cilantro buttercup squash walla walla onions
  16. akyramoto

    garlic(if its not an herb, its close enough)

    i just 'harvested' those 'seeds' from my garlic. I'm going to plant them & see what happens :) I'd love to grow enough garlic to keep up with my consumption of it :)
  17. akyramoto

    Size VS Time

    Ya I figured that would be the response. Had to ask though!! lol
  18. akyramoto

    Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

    be careful if you have dogs, the chocolate smell will attract some dogs to eat the cocoa hulls - there is a substance in the shells that are toxic to dogs.