Reina, Baymule’s Horse


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I slacked off on Reina this summer.. I roofed my house in the month of June, then July and August were 100F plus degrees, drought and scorching heat. September was not much better. So I fed her, provided hay and water and that’s about it.

I worked Reina in the round pen this past week . I was walking through her pen, after tearing up some more on the chicken pens and she spooked. At my gloves! Really? Gloves?


Before I could work her in the round pen, I had to close up a 9’ gap. I considered several options but they came up short. My eyes landed on a Red River panel, it’s 10’ and it closed the gap. What did I use to secure it? Hay string of course!

First I worked her with gloves. I shook them at her, slapped them together, threw them at her and threw them in the air. Glove Monsters.


I let her stop and rubbed her with the gloves. I slapped her softly, let her smell them, and swung my arms with the Deadly Gloves in my hands.

Her right eye is a little cloudy despite trips to the vet and several rounds of eye drops every 2 hours. She had an eye infection when I got her, so bad that the vet thought she was going to have to take Reina’s eye. At least I saved her eye. She likes keeping me on her left side, her good left eye.

I got the lunge whip and made her work. When she tried to turn her left side to me, I called HUP HUP HUP, swinging the lunge whip and making her give me her right side.

I worked her for 45 minutes, she worked up a good sweat. I petted her, talking low and backed up. She moved a foot towards me and I praised her for it. Her trust was destroyed when I got her. I don’t know if I’ll ever get her complete trust, but she has come a long way.

After the work comes a reward. I got her halter and put it on her. I took her to graze and cool off before I fed her.



I grazed her 45 minutes, then put her up and fed her.

I’ve worked hard on her spookiness, but then she throws something else at me. Carson the dog that she’s seen a thousand times. He can walk up to her pen and it’s RUN FOR MY LIFE! Spooky. Today it was Monster Gloves. She spooks At anything and everything.

I worked with Reina on Saturday. I saddled her and put the bridle on her. When I worked her before, I put a short shank snaffle on her. Saturday I used a medium port curb bit with a copper roller.



She was pretty snorty at the saddle, but stood well. I walked beside her, turned her to the right and left and whoa. I walked her down the driveway and down the road.


Then back to our driveway and I took the bridle off and let her graze.


It was a good training session. She is broke to ride, but with her, it’s a trust issue. She is spooky, especially if it’s something on her right side. I didn’t ride her when she was so skinny and poor. Then it got hotter than 3 shades of Hades. So I’m back to working with her and soon I’ll be riding her.

Once I’m satisfied that she rides and handles well, I’ll put her up for sale. She is much too spooky to let my granddaughters ride her. I don’t even let them in the pen with her. She has spooked and almost ran over me several times, what chance would a child have? I’ve had her for a year, she has come a long way, but is not child safe. She’s a good horse for an experienced rider and if it was just me, I’d keep her. But it’s not just me and I want a horse I can put my granddaughters on.