Recent content by Coolbreeze89

  1. Coolbreeze89

    Fire ants in plant container

    I thoroughly watered yesterday, and doused the whole pot with DE again this morning. I put ant bait on the ground outside the pot (I found a trail they’re using!). If this doesn’t do it, I’ll try the orange oil. Like you said: worst case is I kill the plant and I’ll try again next year!
  2. Coolbreeze89

    Fire ants in plant container

    I have a blackberry “bush” that I bought this spring as a twig. It has grown but just not thrived... and I just figured out the fire ant infestation is probably why! I had no idea the ants would eat the leaves. Argh! I’ve tried DE, but of course every time I water it messes that up. I’ve tried...
  3. Coolbreeze89

    Container soil getting compacted

    Grow bags arrived and I transplanted 6 of my plants. Loving these bag. Thanks for the suggestion.
  4. Coolbreeze89

    Container soil getting compacted

    Which grow pots did you buy/would you recommend? As I am trying to amend the soil, my “food grade” 5-gal pots are cracking on me. So, I’m getting my Amazon order going!
  5. Coolbreeze89

    Container soil getting compacted

    Thank you all for your input! I’ll be re-doing my soil mix to reduce the compost component and improve the aeration - time to research what’s available to me of all the suggested options.
  6. Coolbreeze89

    Container soil getting compacted

    Thanks. I’m going to try reducing the watering and see how everything does.
  7. Coolbreeze89

    Container soil getting compacted

    I have containers that I filled with 50/50 compost and potting soil in March. I went to transplant a couple plants that seemed a bit stunted, figuring they needed a bigger space (currently in 5-gal buckets). I found that the bottom half of the containers were completely compacted in both...
  8. Coolbreeze89

    Tomato seedlings not growing?

    I just ordered a seedling mat with thermostat. Thanks!
  9. Coolbreeze89

    Tomato seedlings not growing?

    I moved them to 3” peat pots, a bit deeper: soil almost to their two “leaves”. I also upped the temp to 80ish. Hoping for some growth!!
  10. Coolbreeze89

    Tomato seedlings not growing?

    Your first pic is what my seedlings still look like today. They were planted 2/15 and sprouted about a week later.
  11. Coolbreeze89

    Tomato seedlings not growing?

    First on my “do differently next season” list is to skip the plastic cell trays and start with bigger option!
  12. Coolbreeze89

    Tomato seedlings not growing?

    Thank you. Based on everyone’s suggestions, I’ve: -added white panels to reflect more light inward -increased the temp of the tomatoes and peppers to about 80-85 -I haven’t added any fertilizer yet, but will do so once true leaves form -I’ve told myself to be patient! That’s the hardest one!
  13. Coolbreeze89

    Tomato seedlings not growing?

    @majorcatfish : I’m using4 of these: Osunby LED Grow Light 45W UV IR
  14. Coolbreeze89

    Tomato seedlings not growing?

    I’ll add a white sheet to my setup - I have some old plastIc that would be perfect!
  15. Coolbreeze89

    Tomato seedlings not growing?

    i appreciate your info-filled response! I used potting soil,not the peat pellets (when I up-sized from the little plastic tray I filled a peat pot with new soil, with a depression in the center to move as much of the original dirt as I could with the plant (only one did a good bit of the root...