Recent content by Dirtdoctor

  1. D

    Wall to wall Canadian Thistle - help!

    Hi all, I almost forgot about this forum, but the nice reminders jogged the memory, As for double digging, in a page or so of information, it is impossible to cover every type of soil in the globe, specially with the internet some folks have clayey soils others have loam and yet others have...
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    Wall to wall Canadian Thistle - help!

    OH too funny, Humble opinions, are just that. Respectfully submitted, I am a ORGANic farmer..... I dislike the use of chemicals, BUT in my business life, i have clients that DONT give a ripe. So when they request certian weeds removed, some evasive weeds are mandated to be removed...
  3. D

    Composting chicken poo?

    Any material dumped in your compost pile will compost if GIVEN the proper nutrients. Green = nitrogen, Brown = woody stuff, heavier brown add more nitrogen. As for Diseased material, yea, thats the idea of composting, heat will KILL the nasty pathogens. E. coli in a compost pile reaching...
  4. D

    where do you buy

    OH seeds are great, they have provided great seeds for our 1/2 acre garden. They are really a great group of folks to deal with. jack
  5. D

    Wall to wall Canadian Thistle - help!

    Pat and Tutter, I will pull some more information to assist in the discussion regarding the Co2 transpriration and the work of the auxins (below soil level). Tutter, Marysville Calfironia we worked to eradicate star thistles and after two growing seasons we were successful. Also in the...
  6. D

    I cant kill it.

    Shellie thats great.. Then your Biship's PLANT isnt a weed to you........LOL Weeds are plants in the wrong spot.... Great feeding for the birds if it isnt a problem plant. Google "Posionous plants for animals." Best to you Jack
  7. D

    Valley Springs California :)

    HEY great to see other Californians, BYC has a bunch of us. Im living in HOllister CA. 1 hour east of MONTEREY BAY. 30 minutes south of SAN JOSE. Great web site and gardening group, I love dirt. and gardening we have a 16 acre sustainable farm/ranch with freeranger chickens, totally...
  8. D

    Wall to wall Canadian Thistle - help!

    Thistles, lovely to look at when they flower but they are nasty. Stressing them out is a means of winning the battle, constant mowing will work, tilling and treatment of the new growth with herbicide, ROUND-UP combined with stressing will work, but you have to be presistant SMALL LOW DOSES...
  9. D

    Weeds for Compost

    Throw them in the compost pile, Compost is different than the long term decomposition of weeds and other garden matter. Compost is the active heating biological degrading of organic matter. IF it doenst attain 120- 160 degrees, then it is NOT COMPOST. IT is only decomposed plant matter...
  10. D

    I cant kill it.

    NAsty weeds, successful killing of them can be accomplished, Round up URGH as nasty as it is. can be a useful tool in the fight, but to remember this one fallacy... if a little bit is good then a whole lot must be better... THIS IS WRONG. deluted doses of round up allows the main ingredient...
  11. D

    Finally got my garden in.

    HEy great news, you all getting your gardens installed. For your SANDY SOIL, one trick that works wonders is to dig a deep hole, fill it with compost. then cover it with the sand...plant your plant on top of that sand and backfill with a slightly ammended soil blend. (the moisture will...
  12. D

    Anyone use Vermiculite?

    Dilly, Its a good product but.... would do better to enrich your soil and improve tilth by addding compost.......not mineralized compost.....but somethign that had composed wood fiber........(NOT RAW WOOD) these pieces of wood would feel like a sponge, all teh legnin woudl...
  13. D

    GOPHER -- Someone posted about a product?

    i hear that has soemthign that works. but im sorrta partial to that gophers and ground squirrels...... JAck the pepper isnt the best, it works to keep them from eating the grass....Gophs love the grass they come up and munch and collect the grass for a meal later on...
  14. D

    Newbie to the room

    Hi all, from glancing at the posts it looks like a great place.......and whoooo doesnt like to get their fingernails as i thot.....not one person raised thier hands...(maybe cause they are soilstained?) Oh well i love soil, and compost and gardening and plants........ IO'm...