
Disable Army Veteran who moved to Michigan out of a vision/dream. Lived for 5 years in Muskegon and was a substitute teacher in various counties around Muskegon and North Muskegon. Also worked at a Wesco gas station on the weekends. I am a radical Christian. Do not hide it for nothing in the world. Originally from Puerto Rico, which is a commonwealth of the US given during the Spanish war from Spain. My original language is Spanish but not the same as the most Spanish spoken in the US since it is mainly Mexican Spanish. My Spanish roots come directly from Spain since my heritage comes from Northern Spain called Castille de Leon who arrived in Puerto Rico during 1803-04. Yeap, the part that sounds the "s" as a "z" in Spanish, lol. 2020 was a very hard year but the good Lord had plans for me. One day I walked out to get the mail and on top of the fence was a blue painted rock with silver letters saying"2020 rocks" Curiously saved it. Even during pandemic, spent 7 months and lots of money searching for properties in S. Indiana to be closer to son. But the plan was to keep me in Michigan. Found a 1.5 acre in Oceana County and Nov 2 got my keys (lots of them). Winter kept me in and doing little unboxing but now is warming up so, I'm eager to see what kind of trouble I can get into. I love people and hope to make friends here and hopefully after the craziness is over, maybe do a get together.
SW, Michigan
What Are Your Favorite Plants
anything green
Disable US Army Veteran


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