Recent content by ephemeralcas

  1. ephemeralcas

    Recycled Tomato Plants

    I will admit I have no knowledge on hybridizing whatsoever. Does anyone have an article or book they recommend for beginners in this sense?
  2. ephemeralcas

    If You Need a Good Laugh

    Hahaha oh marilyn.
  3. ephemeralcas

    If You Need a Good Laugh

    Ahahaha! This is gold. Don't you ever put the silly ones next to the clever ones.. Hilarious.
  4. ephemeralcas

    does anyone want a free permaculture ebook?

    Yeah it's funny how there are such tiny changes in between the times that I'm out there looking at them, but I just doing it though. :)
  5. ephemeralcas

    Recycled Tomato Plants

    thank you! I have had pretty good success in the past but this year is the first time I've tried to grow a few plants from seed and they seem to be doing pretty well! Not as big as the ones that I bought starts for, but still. I'm proud of them. :)
  6. ephemeralcas

    Recycled Tomato Plants

    Me too! I have a bunch of different colored heirlooms this year and I'm so excited to see/taste how they turn out! <3
  7. ephemeralcas

    Recycled Tomato Plants

    Isn't it crazy how some people go their whole lives thinking that's (the tasteless supermarket tomatoes) how they are supposed to taste. No wonder kids are so picky because their veggies don't actually taste that good. :(
  8. ephemeralcas

    does anyone want a free permaculture ebook?

    Thanks for the warm welcome you guys. :) I have just entered into the lovely gardening world about 2 years ago so I'm still pretty newbie but growing food/plants has been such a lovely addition to my life. I actually just got inside from taking a little morning stroll around my backyard looking...
  9. ephemeralcas

    does anyone want a free permaculture ebook?

    Ahh! OMG I'm so sorry!!
  10. ephemeralcas

    Recycled Tomato Plants

    Aww, I have such a special place in my heart for volunteer tomatoes. I just like them so much because they had the strength and resilience to grow on their own. :) But i understand having too many cherry tomatoes. I had that same problem last year. Couldn't even give enough of them away. Lol...
  11. ephemeralcas

    Tea Garden

    Wowww! I want to do this! I am a tea lunatic. As in, I love tea SO much. How cool to grow and dry your own tea. Kudos to you. :)
  12. ephemeralcas

    does anyone want a free permaculture ebook?

    it's actually a permaculture children's ebook but I think since I didn't see any thing about permaculture on these forums a childrens book might be fun for some of you to have because it kinda introduces permaculture in a simple way which is nice because sometimes permaculture gets explained in...