Recent content by gettinaclue

  1. G

    Potato Blight

    I was watching a series on youtube Victorian Farm, Edwardian Farm - something like that. Three people got together and lived like they lived back in those times and they got blight in the potato field (this was in Englad I believe). The "cure" was to cut the top 2/3 of the greens and burn...
  2. G

    Anyone have production problems with cucs this year?

    Not a single cucumber came out of my garden this year. NOT. A. ONE. I tried 2 or 3 different varieties and they all went kerflewy.
  3. G

    Picking before the storm

    I picked all of mine the other day and ripped up all but 4 of my mater plants. I did it because my chickens figured out that they like green tomaotes and I don't have my raised beds fensed off (that's where they are planted). I had to toss several off into the woods because they had chicken...
  4. G

    Score from Exotica Rare Fruit Nursery!!

    SCORE! Excellent! You must be ultra excited!
  5. G

    Cucumber Vine White Flowers

    Hoodat, that's a great idea! I bet you could even go to a local child care facility and they would love to have them as well.
  6. G

    How is your Tomato Harvest Going?

    I planted rutgers and cherry sweet 100's and I have to say they did pretty well. I wouldn't have minded more off the rutgers though. I still have some coming in so I can't complain to much. The rutgers got a huge thumbs up from DH and his family (I'm not much of a fresh tomato eater) for...
  7. G

    What is the oldest home-canned food you personally have eaten?

    I have eaten green beans that my MIL canned that were 3 or 4 years old and they tasted great. She only cans them with water and salt.
  8. G

    This is my problem....

    I don't know if it's advisable for a well.... but I'm thinking get you some one on a stand in the center of the well cap, and then more pots all around the stand on top of the well cap, than more around the well, you could make a strawberry pyramid...or just assorted plants. Just a...
  9. G


    Yellow jackets did the very same thing to my blackberries...the little stinkers. I've found one nest, but haven't found how best to kill them yet. I'm dreading the fall. They get more aggressive in the cooler weather and their nest is under my potato baskets.
  10. G

    Praying Mantis!

    I had one that was living on my lima beans. I named him Chauncey LOL. Haven't seen him for a while. I hope the chickens didn't get him.
  11. G

    Raised bed construction material

    We covered the bottome of ours with welded wire.
  12. G

    Only a kid

    My DD is 13 and I can't get that child out into the garden LOL. That's okay though. I really enjoy going out into the garden in the early morning and evenings and it's peaceful. I found a horned tomatoe worm doing it's worst to one of my tomato plants - a cherry sweet 100 I believe (took me...
  13. G

    Raised bed construction material

    Thanks Dinkadoo and Tank. Yes, I had thought about those, but around here they are far to expensive for my budget, even the seconds. My hubby did luck out and got to HD while they were having a cull cart sale (not advertised to the public in the papers, just a sign on the door when you walked...
  14. G

    Giant Figs!!

    SS, I've been told if you get a piece of homemade cold process soap - something mild like a castile - and put it in the crotches of the tree, the rain will melt the soap and it will run down the bark of the tree and repell the ants to keep them from getting the figs. I've never tried this...
  15. G

    Rose Hips, What to do?

    Not yet. Give me a couple of years. :D