Recent content by hermeneutics

  1. H

    Where should I start??

    I like the look of your garden. This is going to be great fun for you. One of the things I would do is raise up the sides by adding a perimeter of cinderblock, timber or whatever you've got. Then, I'd rent or borrow a rototiller and turn that soil over deeply -- at least a foot deep...
  2. H

    Carefree, Arizona

    I would do almost anything to live in Idaho, but yes ... we've got two growing seasons and two "winters" during which few things grow. Summer, here, is like winter for Idahoans. Almost all vegetables go dormant or die and we're stuck inside. Seriously, I'm going to sell this place and move to...
  3. H

    Carefree, Arizona

    Hi, Just a new gardener from Carefree, AZ -- north of Phoenix; 2500 ft in elevation, not quite low or high desert. With enough water, it is possible to grow almost everything in the desert. My tomatoes are going into the ground in one week to join the peppers, lettuce, onions and parsley.