Recent content by ilovechickens

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    I will look for you on Backyardchickens. That is where I spend alot of time:coolsun
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I am going to try to plant some :coolsun,(in case picture dosen't show it is SUNSHINE) it is very cold, can only dream of spring and look at seed catalogs.
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    Halfway between the North Pole and the Equator, Tilden Wisconsin

    Hello to all of you this heat wave of a morning, only -3 today, look forward to hearing from the rest of you:coolsun
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    Good morning to all of you Wisconsinites, I am from "HALF WAY BETWEEN THE NORTH POLE AND THE EQUATOR" aka Tilden. I am new to the EASY GARDEN FORUM, I am a BACKYARD CHICKEN FANATIC who loves both the gardening and my chickens. I look forward to corresponding with you folks:throw
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    Winterizing Asparagus in West Central Wisconsin

    This is our first year with Asparagus, and we are getting to put to bed our asparagus, raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries. We are okay on strawberries and blueberries, but not on raspberries and asparagus. Please help me to put to bed correctly our asparagus and raspberries:barnie:idunno