Recent content by LisaJean

  1. L

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    It's been raining like mad, here, so I haven't put the rest of my stuff in yet. But the rain is wonderful. We were in a drought all last year, so I won't complain about rain.
  2. L

    Mole-deterrant: Solar powered "chattering" device?

    Hey all! Just as update... that chattering mole deterrent seems to have worked very well. I haven't seen any new tunnels since the day I installed the thing. Definitely recommended. It's humane, and Green, and it works.
  3. L

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I still want to put in a row of sunflowers to give my garden protecting from the later day summer sun. Also I want to plant a few more beets in the spots where I managed not to drop any seeds. I thinned my peas the other day, and ate the seedling in a salad. Yum! Oh, and the batch of...
  4. L

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I was just looking at the bed I planted along the fence in my backyard, and it seems that nothing has sprouted. I planted canteloupe, watermelon, yellow squash and cucumbers, and there's no sign of any of them. I think either the soil isn't fertile enough, or I didn't water enough. I think I...
  5. L

    My pea seedlings

    Sigh. The cutworms are going after my brocolli, now. Petty little turds, aren't they? I put foil on all the tomatoes, so they went after my brocolli. I know it wasn't out of spite, but it feels like it. :-)
  6. L

    My Pathetic Brussel Sprouts

    Oh yeah, the plant is supposed to grow rather tall, and the sprouts bud off the central stem. But I didn't take very good care of my plants, so I got peewee sprouts. :lol:
  7. L

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Ozark, we had rain all last week here in central NC. We needed it desperately, we'd been in catastrophic drought conditions for almost a year.
  8. L

    My Pathetic Brussel Sprouts

    This is what you get when you plant Brussel Sprouts in unfertile, dry soil. This is the harvest from nine plants. NINE PLANTS. Those big sprouts are the clumps that were at the top of each stalk. The actual sprouts are all the size of that itty bitty one right on top in the middle of the...
  9. L

    My pea seedlings

    rebbetzin, thanks! That's a good idea. In fact, I just came in from putting foil on my remaining tomato plants.
  10. L

    New Fruit Trees

    I got a pressure cooker for Christmas, that can be used for canning. Trouble is, it's so small, I can only fit pint jars in it, if those. So, thus far, I've only been canning stuff that you can use the boiling water canning method for. But once my veggies start taking off, i will need to...
  11. L

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Rebbetzin, me and the BF actually just gave them a quick rinse under the tap and then ate them fresh. Unbelievable, the flavor they had. It makes thinning much less painless, knowing that I can wait and actually harvest some teeny veggies, instead of just pinching them off. :)
  12. L

    My pea seedlings

    Thanks! I put some netting up for the peas to climb on, and that seems to have scared away whatever it was for the time being. I also strung an aluminum pie pan up where it blows and rattles in the wind nearby. Cutworm.... I wonder if that could be what's doing my tomato plants. Something is...
  13. L

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I did some thinning today in my carrots and beets. I hate thinning. I know it's silly, but I hate having to make the decision that one plant gets to live and another has to die. But here are some pics. My first radish. And some little carrots I pulled out from around the mailbox.
  14. L

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I invested in my own tiller this year. I figure that I will use it enough, and my family can borrow it if they need to. I LOVE it. I can haul it out whenever I get the urge to plant. I have all my stuff planted now. I have blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, bush cherries...
  15. L

    "Fruit Salad" trees

    Has anyone seen these things for sale in catalogs? They are trees that have been grafted to grow several different varieties of fruit on ONE tree. Like plums, nectarines, peaches, pears, etc, all on one tree. I was looking at this thing in the catalog, and was intrigued. But then I noticed...