Recent content by Mahonri

  1. Mahonri

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    Howdy y'all!!! :frow It will all be good tomorrow! :thumbsup
  2. Mahonri

    Citrus trees grow at 2200 feet altitude? Western Sierra Foothills

    Linda... unfortunately, it gets too cold where you live.
  3. Mahonri

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I'm putting corn, squash, beans and cucumbers in this week. My peas are looking good. I have broccoli and peppers ready to pick.
  4. Mahonri

    Official Arizona Thread! Veggies in the Valley?

    I'll be picking more beans tomorrow.... and squash and tomatoes. The lettuce, cauliflower/broccoli section of my garden is done... time to start burying chicken poop there. I'll be eating corn on the cob soon. Anyone have a sure fire way to get rid of FLIES!! (My neighbors complained)
  5. Mahonri

    Rain, Rain, Go Away...

    I don't expect to see any rain until the end of July. We could use a good drenching about now.
  6. Mahonri

    What sweet corn do you use?

    I'll be harvesting sweet corn in about 2 weeks. We planted it the 20th of January. We always plant the 'sugar & cream' variety... it's white and yellow and very sweet.
  7. Mahonri

    Tired of the sparrows and doves

    A bird feeder? Guess that's what I am!
  8. Mahonri

    Whining about cilantro..

    Anybody else but me HATE cilantro? Went to Miguels once and asked if they had any plates made without cilantro. When they said no, I got up and walked out.
  9. Mahonri

    How's everyone's potatoes going?

    I've never been able to grow potatoes here in the desert. I'm going to try again come October and put some in the ground and pray it doesn't get too cold... and then hope for a harvest in March or April! Planting in January with plans for a June harvest have never produced much here.
  10. Mahonri

    How is your garden doing so far?

    I'll have to get some pics uploaded of my garden. I'm getting a great harvest. Wonderful broccoli, tomatoes, beans, peppers, squash. Corn has tassled.... couldn't get my cucumbers to grow this year.. .don't know why. By July it will all be toast... then I'll plant the end of September for my...
  11. Mahonri

    Tired of the sparrows and doves

    I put in new lawn along my chicken run. It was looking fantastic. Well I feed inside my run and the birds from all over the metro Phoenix area are constantly trying to get into the run to get into the food. They sit on the grass and have killed it. Any suggestions?