Recent content by nickslawnandgarden

  1. N

    Help! They're bulldozing the lawn...

    As an expert....I'm hoping the landscaper isn't just putting an inch or two of topsoil down! Really they should work it in with the existing soil or you may have a rooting problem and it will wash away. Also seed with a Rye and Fescue mix, the rye will give you a quick start 7-14days germination...
  2. N

    Chicken Fertilizer?

    I'm in zone 6b, no wood chips just shredded paper. Sounds good thanks!
  3. N

    Septic System

    Wow! That's crazy about the corn and beans! No chem's here so were good there. Didn't think there was an issue but wanted to be sure.
  4. N

    How do I prune an ancient lilac?

    You can actually heavy prune lilacs unlike some plants. It will just come down to how much it has in reserves. Like you said if you want to worry about blooms right now then be lite on the pruning. If you choose to prune heavy (which I recommend) then be prepared to not get any blooms for a...
  5. N

    Septic System

    Is it ok to grow vegetables over a septic system? That's the only place we got. :(
  6. N

    using the bunny poop....

    Yikes!!! Good to know! Well we have bunny, goat and chicken poop so I will be able to make a mean compost. yep yep
  7. N

    Chicken Fertilizer?

    How long do I need to let chicken poop (don't know if there is a better word) compost before using it in our garden? What does it do best around? Does anyone know the N-P-K of it? How long until I need to re-apply? And the last question I it possible to sell this stuff? I have tons...