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  1. O


    Thanks Steve and Rusty. I feel more confident about getting these things through the winter now. Rusty, I love the picture of the dahlia, great color and I love the shape of the petals.
  2. O


    I guess what is confusing me is one set of instructions I found on the internet that said to wrap each one in Saran wrap to "keep them from drying out". I sure like your way better and apparently you know what you're talking about. So dry it is. And yes, now comes the waiting.
  3. O


    Okay, I've dug my tubers, got them tucked away in the peat but it all seems so dry. Should I add even a little moisture to keep the tubers from dehydrating?
  4. O


    Freezing nights and chilly days have come our way and we even had snow today, even though it didn't stick around. Guess I'll be digging dahlias tomorrow if it is going to be as nice as the weatherman has promised. This cold weather has knocked almost everything back, so I think I'll be doing...
  5. O


    Thanks, and I realized I hadn't even taken photos of my favorites. I, like a dummy, went out to take a snap this afternoon and found them all dead and gone. I've taken pictures all summer, all over the garden, can't believe I failed to get those. Oh well, next year.
  6. O


    Trying to post photos of my dahlias.
  7. O

    roses in zone 7

    It can get down to -10 or worse but most of the time the low is 0-15. My problem is that I'm always in a hurry and want things done now. I will wait to move the New Dawn though, and thanks for your advice.
  8. O


    If I can figure out how, I will post some pictures.
  9. O

    preparing raised beds

    I'm sure it will kill it for now... It's all those plants (and roots) surrounding the area that you'll have to contend with in a year or so. Sorry, don't mean to be the voice of gloom and doom, after all, it is only a plant, it is only a plant, it is only a plant. That's my summer mantra.
  10. O


    Thanks again for your help Steve. I'm already becoming Dahlia savvy. Like you, my basement isn't as cool as it should be because the furnace down there warms it up too much. So storage places are limited.
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    roses in zone 7

    Hi Thistlebloom, and thanks for the welcome and the advice. I'm in zone 6 and we expected a freeze last night, although I'm not sure it happened. It will warm up again and just stay chilly for a few weeks, I'll bet, till the serious cold gets here. I was hoping to move it now so that it could...
  12. O


    Thanks for your help, Steve. I guess I'll be digging, even the ones I didn't dig last year. No need to chance it twice, plus I forgot about the dividing to get more plants. Do you divide them before you put them into storage or as you take them out?
  13. O

    Finally my herb

    I like the layout of your herb garden, and especially that it is so convenient to the house. Is that sage I see growing? If it grows like it does here in zone 6, it will take over that whole square.:) I look forward to seeing what you plant, I love having fresh herbs right from the garden.
  14. O

    roses in zone 7

    I see that you never need to prune climbing roses but I wonder what will happen when you do. I planted a New Dawn climbing rose 2 yrs. ago and I underestimated how vigorous it would be, so I planted it in totally the wrong place. I'm going to have to move it, and even though it is only 2 years...
  15. O


    Hi, I'm new to this forum and new to growing dahlias. I planted some (about 10) last year and they were beautiful. Since I live in 5b/6a hardiness zone, I was told I had to dig them up for the winter or I'd lose them. Well, I dug them up, stored them as directed, and replanted, only in a...