Recent content by panner123

  1. P

    Anyone composting big style?

    My pile has started, it is 50 feet across and 4 feet high. That is just the chopped leaves, I will add an equal amount of green grass and 40 yards of horse manure. When I have all the leaves I can get, I cut them up with my riding mower. Once this is done, I add the greens and use the riding...
  2. P

    Tomatoes - Tons of Blooms NO more tomatoes?

    Be sure to put a HIGH fence up to keep the deer out.
  3. P

    Composting chicken poop

    My D W does the composting, but I help. Any chicken poop is composted form August to August. She adds everything to it, kitchen left overs, top soil horse and cow manure, you name it. Then we put it in the area she wants to garden the next year. After some 35+ years she has some ogf the best...
  4. P

    compost spreading made easy

    The D W told me this morning it was time to increase her garden size. She wanted alll the compost and what have you spread by Sunday night. You have to realize this amounts to about three ton of top soil, six big pick up loads of stuff she has composted, a farm trailer lod of horse manure...
  5. P

    Deer are eating my tomato plants.

    I have finally kept the deer out of my garden this year. I have a 10 foot fence around it. In the past we have used hair, deer off, urine, dogs and Smith & Wesson, nothing kept them out when we left. They would jump the 8 foot fence like it wasn't there. With the 10 foot fence I have watched...
  6. P

    I need soil!!

    If you live in an area that has oaks and maple trees, you have the makings of some great soil. Take a rake and remove the leaves, from there down to the clay is some fine growing soil. Years of decomposed leaves.