Recent content by tigercountry2023

  1. tigercountry2023

    Found an unwelcome guest on my tomato plants!

    Thanks guys for all your helpful suggestions! It seems like the problems dealt with itself now, and I actually think that maybe it was because of inconsistent watering. Someone told me tomatoes can get fussy about it. What's your opinion on that?
  2. tigercountry2023

    Australian Bush Flowers

    I'm not really sure exactly what that orange one is. I did try searching for it on the internet, but didn't find anything. I agree with you, they're all very beautiful! :)
  3. tigercountry2023

    Australian Bush Flowers

    I haven't actually found many fragrant flowers; though wattle is one beautiful smelling one. Golden wattle is especially gorgeous!!
  4. tigercountry2023

    Thyme After Time

    I love the smell of thyme!! It is probably my favorite herb, and I've found that it makes delicious herbal tea. Soak a few sprigs in hot water for 5 minutes. You might want to add a bit of honey if you like it sweet.
  5. tigercountry2023

    Australian Bush Flowers

    Went on a walk in the bush the other day, and saw so many amazing flowers. I thought you guys might like to see them! :) (Tell me which one is your favourite)
  6. tigercountry2023

    Found an unwelcome guest on my tomato plants!

    I've got several potted tomato plants, which I've recently been noticing holes and chew places on the leaves. I also found some small piles of black poop. I was starting to suspect this was the work of caterpillars, and they when I found a little green one on my shirt afterwards, I was quite...
  7. tigercountry2023

    Plants to repel mosquitoes

    Basil is a very strong repellant. Mosquitoes hate the smell of it, and the leaves don't even have to be crushed up to release their aroma; the smell is strong enough already.
  8. tigercountry2023

    Hi from Down Under!!

    Hello everyone, I can't wait to get to know you all, and start talking about gardening!!