dang computer


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
our computer was about 8 yrs old running win 8.1 it died the other day..ggrrrrrr
for the last couple yrs the sd card reader would work when it wanted to, hard to transfer anything. the last couple months was getting notices saying low memory, did everything i could to fix that..nada puter still froze. the last couple weeks the hard drive would spin up and then slow down for no reason, plus the screen would go black till rebooting.
so went down to staples where we bought it from and asked the computer guru, he said the memory chip was too small or dying and needed to be replaced, as for the hard drive it needed to be replaced. he recommended that with the cost of replacing everything and transferring all the data it would be cheaper to purchase a new one..

had to agree with him so we talked puter he we trying to sell me a dell, wanted nothing to do with dell <had one before nothing but crap> wanted a hp he showed me couple types ended up with a pavilion 590
he tried to sell me a complete system.nope have everything already did purchase the 2 yr extended warranty.
took 3 days to get here, so in the mean time decided to transfer my own data/files.. the hard drive did not like that, while doing this the hard drive died right in the middle of a transfer <buzz whirl click buzz click> was able to save 4gb .

the puter showed up yesterday, dang they ask way to many questions during the set-up had to write down all new passwords to this and that, reloaded Norton anti virus and office, took awhile to load the printer, now we can print wired or wireless it reads a sd card...

put the cd with all the downloads in, a few seconds went by and a window popped up saying some of the data may be corrupt and may have malware do you wish to continue... needless to say did not re load anything... guess thats for the best...

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
I hate technology...well, really hate it when I have to do it. My 6 yr old laptop overheated back when we were moving from Angels Camp in 2017. So I bought a new one at Staples and my brother IL did all the transfer for me. Too bad the photos from prior to 2017 didn't transfer. So I got no pics now except for the paper printed ones which we all know was decades ago.

Oh, and the Quicken I used to use for personal and painting biz was corrupted. So much for that investment and loss of records. I so dislike upgrading or trying to learn things that are so frustrating and not intuitive.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
When my computer craters I go to Best Buy and get a new one. We tell them what we use it for and see what they suggest. I don't trust the old names anymore, things change too fast for them to keep up. I take the old computer in and let them do whatever transfers they can. They also do basic set-up and load certain programs, something like Office and virus protection mainly but a few others. I still have some set-up when I get home. Last time i had to come up with passwords for certain things, which I wrote down all the information I could, but to be honest I'm not sure what some of them were passwords for.

To me computers stopped being intuitive a long time ago. I'm not going to take the time and effort, let alone go through the pain, to try to keep up. Every time they upgrade something they make it harder to do even basic stuff. I still occasionally clean the cache but if they update a software I have that process might even change. My main problem with that is getting to the starting screen and the online searches usually don't help with that.


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
the only 2 thing i do not like about the new one is the cd is vertical hard to put a disc in, and the tower ventilation is on the left side<which is against the desk wall>. just little things... otherwise really like it..
dw did mention since the tower is shorter and the cable modem sits on top, that the wifi signal might be less, good point but haven't seen any slowing down yet but will move it this weekend....


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i was glad when i could build this one from new parts and everything worked as it should. transferring data was not an issue because the old drive was backed up to an external drive (USB) and then i could reload the files i needed. it cost me all told about 1/4 of what my first PC was (way back in the early 80s) - an IBM PC which i gave away to someone and it was still usable as a terminal some 15 years later.

most machines i've had since then have worked 10-15yrs (one of those was a Dell) except for the Zenith Z-Note which was ok for what it was, but as soon as i stopped wandering around as much i went back to a desktop machine. oh, i also had a hand-me-down machine from my brother that i used for a while before i had to replace the motherboard and i took that as a sign that it was time to start looking fors something better and i'm so glad i did because this machine does exactly what i was looking for and probably will be fine for what i'm doing i hope another 10yrs or so.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
My modem died. On Hughes Net satellite and modem has to come from them. I used cell phone hot spot last night and battery couldn’t keep up, even with phone plugged in. I was considering the hot spot, I could see that wasn’t going to work. Tech is coming Monday , that signs me up for another two years.

It only took several hours of me running through everything about a dozen times (definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results) I wanted to throw my laptop against the wall. Next day; neighbor came over to help, he ran through all the steps. Nothing. He looked at equipment and saw the modem lights were off except for the power light. Called Hughes Net. Woman with thick accent began to help. Suddenly she transferred the call to someone else. Start over. It took a couple of hours to determine that, in fact, the freakin modem was dead. Ummm that’s what we said to START WITH! :he:he:he


Garden Addicted
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Cedar Hill MO
My present machine was bought off e bay, a refurbished HP.
A techie friend of mine suggested I do that and I've been more than happy with the result.
All I got was the tower and kept my old printer, monitor, ect.
It came with windows 10 and back when I bought it I heard nothing but bad about 10. He split the hard drive and installed, I think, windows 7 on part of it.
I think I've only ever used 7 when we tested to see if it installed OK.
My old machine used Vista, I think, which worked fine for me but I've seen no problems with 10, either.



Garden Addicted
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Zone 6a
my hp laptop did a two hour update yesterday. Now I can't upload pics from my iphone to the laptop. GRRRRRRR

Yuuuppp...My HP did that on Monday. I didn't even get online till the afternoon. A Microsoft update.

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