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  1. W

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    BYC - but I took the summer off when the new posts accumulated faster than I could click on them. Holy cow.
  2. W

    Am I the only nutbag who does this?

    To pass the winter, I have the kids cut out pictures of the things I plan on putting in the garden. Then we collect sticks from the yard and make row markers out of them. I think they're in a box around here somewhere... better get 'em out soon.
  3. W

    Powdery mildew?

    I got a little relief on my "pumpkins" last year using the milk thing. Not enough to offset the feeling like I was crazy for spraying $4/gallon milk on what turned out to be the garbage child of a hybrid and not the pumpkins I thought I remembered planting. :| I think I would have been more...
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    It's hard to tell where our skunk lives cause we have so many chipmunks that our hills are riddled with dens. It's been spotted frolicking in the neighbors front yard, under a birdfeeder. So, what exactly does one do with a skunk in a live trap? Put it on Craigslist under "items for free"?
  5. W

    weeding is fun!

    I like to weed. Especially the lawn. I can't help myself, but when I'm outside playing with the kids I inevitably start pulling weeds and can't seem to stop. My favorite time to weed is after a good soaking rain since it can be done without tools.
  6. W

    Alright - tools - what works and what doesn't

    The garden cart brooder is much classier than the rusty jeep brooder I was contemplating. :) You said you built a cart and then showed the link with the home built carts... is yours on the site? There are some nice looking carts. I don't think Tevya's would suite me, though.
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    Help Identifying Plant

    I was going to guess yucca, too. Maybe in the same family. Mine didn't bloom or had sad blooms for a few years, but that got better with feeding them.
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    I had family ties in Wilkes Barre... a looooooong time ago. I have no idea why, but the free Longwood thing comes up all the time at the office... :lol: I don't remember the free admission, but I do remember doing this last fall: Grant
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    I know this isn't really related to making soymilk, but we buy lots of the stuff due to allergy problems with a little one. We get lots of extra coupons online from Silk. Also, although it grinds some people... Wallymart sells it cheap. I looked into making it when we started spending a ton...
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    NOT Habenero Pepper Plant!

    Nice Post, meandwi. Thanks for the information.
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    Here comes the stiltgrass It has begun germinating and poking its head out in a few of the sunnier spots. This stuff wears me out... it just looks terrible and is sooo pushy.
  12. W

    First post over here, thought the garden folk would like this.

    Did it look that good new? Holy Cow! I was thinking that it is cool to use antiques, then I realized that I am much much older.
  13. W

    Recommendations on Irrigation System

    I'm a drip irrigation fan. Your system is going to be quite large in comparison to those that I have used. The type is going to depend on the crop. Row crops that are close together are probably better irrigated using dripline but I don't know how long of a row you can do with the small...
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    Pine Straw as mulch

    I'll second any votes for pine needles. I use them mixed with shredded leaves. I would not expect much of anything to grow under our pine or spruce trees. No light and no water. The soil is bone dry under the canopy. My rule of thumb is, if it is growing under those trees, it must be a weed.
  15. W

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Yesterday I added a few inches of compost onto my potatoes and dug up my absentee asparagus to find that it is a goner - a very WET trench. Today In the vegetable garden, I planted: Cucumbers Tomatoes Peppers Lots of Pole Beans In the flower gardens: I transplanted Lily of the Valley out of my...
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    My Pathetic Brussel Sprouts

    When I first saw the picture, my perspective was all out of whack... I thought the sprouts were in a giant mixing bowl and they were the same size as head of iceburg lettuce. 40 lbs of sprouts from 9 plants was looking good! BTW, even my "good eater" grew out of brussel sprouts. I think I'm...
  17. W

    Where have I been?

    The forecast is looking good for this weekend. Thankfully my coop is habitable/predator resistant for the chicks. They got kicked out of the house last weekend. I hope to put my peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes into the ground.
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    Irrigation Timers

    Does anyone use an irrigation timer that is long lasting and reliable? I've tried to rely on the kind that screw onto a spigot and have had mixed results. I think I'm actually on my fourth model in 5 or six years. Digital spigot model from Home Cheapo with display: stopped working, but I...
  19. W

    Another 'What is it?'

    I have to point to the "from memory" part. I was ripping a lot of stuff out trying to make room for something else, last fall. Something that came out had a long tuber like part which I thought was from this plant. But I have been known to be wrong at least once.
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    Thorny thing - what is it?

    THANK YOU for the idea - i think it is a trifoliate orange! Sometimes the answer is much easier to get if someone has a good starting point. My neighbor used to use pieces from it to make a crown of thorns for The Passion Play every year. We didn't care for it, but thought it would be rude to...