That's a very nice swingset.
Sorry about the loss in your family. At least your husband does something constructive to work out his emotions and doesn't keep it bottled up inside.
Plus, your daughter must be thrilled.
Congrats on the chick.
For paste tomatoes, I use Rutgers, Brandywines and Romas.
The Rutgers give great yields and the brandywines mature later for a later harvest.
As to the best taste, Brandywines, hands down. Last year, I had a huge 2 pounder (Yep, I weighed it)
I use about a pint of mushroom dirt in each hole...
Hi, I'm in zone 7 in E. Tennessee.
I have gardened for many years, but just last year, I took the greenhouse plunge. I have a RION Green Giant 8x20. It has 4 manual vents in the roof, an automatic exhaust fan, and is heated only when the temps drop below freezing. We use a kerosene heater and...
Oh my GOSH!! I haven't posted in a while (not a whole lot to talk about in the winter)
What a change. :ep It looks great . . . terrific job. Although, I did think I was at the wrong site, too, at first.
I really like it.
Yesterday, we went to the seed and supply store. I ordered my 2nd greenhouse and bought some supplies for this season.
While browsing the isle for trays and inserts, I noticed several boxes piled with misc. items.
I asked if those items were for sale. He said he would make me a deal. :weee I...
Oh, wow!! Do I wish I could grow those things. I'll bet we've bought at least $50-$60 worth since they've been available.
I do know the ones we buy in the store come from Spain. I haven't noticed any available sources in any catalogs.
Make sure you want it before you plant the stuff. Several years ago we planted 2 1 gal. pots. Now, we cant get rid of it.:barnie
Beavis is right, it will slice you open. One year I tried to thin it out while it was still green. I had welts for weeks on my upper arms, worse than any poison ivy...
Maybe try some of the cool weather plants like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, radishes and lettuce greens.
I have broccoli and cauliflower outside in the fall garden & it is doing very well.
Big difference in the timing of your leaves and ours here in E. TN. Maybe a bright orange here and there, but mostly brown or on the ground. The heavy rain night before last really got them.
Great pics, btw.
They would be the ones you can't find because you took them out to hang on the fridge so you wouldn't have to lift that big binder back up onto that shelf above the stove again because you forgot how long you are supposed to bake it at 350 degrees. :rolleyes:
DD, that is a good idea. I don't organize it by what's in the garden, tho. Our harvest season is only for 5 months at the longest. I organize mine the way you used to.
I do take it a step further and put everything in those clear page protectors. If I get flour, butter, etc. on it, I can just...
I really, really wanted brussels sprouts in my winter garden. But, unfortunately, all I found was brocolli and cauliflower. So...that's what I planted. :)