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  1. mradam

    What have you bought so far? Post your lists here!

    Here's the order I received a few weeks ago from Victory Seeds Kentucky Wonder pole beans Cabbage All Seasons Corn Pencil Cob ---something for the chickens to eat Cucumber Straight Eight Cucumber Boston Pickling Improved Lettuce Salad Bowl Red Peppers Golden California Wonder Bell Pepper...
  2. mradam

    My garden as of today

    My first gardening attempt is going well. I posted a few pics last week when rabbits, or something, was eating all my leaves. Things are looking up now: My zucchini: My peppers are really filling out... no flowers yet: My cucumbers have flowers everywhere now: Peas... I'll have to plant...
  3. mradam

    my green bean leaves are disappearing!

    Thanks Rosalind. I'll be on the lookout for rabbits. I do plan to sprinkle out some flower tonight hoping to see prints. And if I do, I will be setting traps tomorrow (sorry rabbit, but they will be lethal traps). Thanks to all who posted trying to help me! Adam
  4. mradam

    my green bean leaves are disappearing!

    I can try the flour idea, but not until the weekend... rain coming tonight. I have to think that the leaves are disappearing either in the early morning or in the night, I can't ever find anything in the afternoon evening that could cause it (insects, animals, etc). And, yes, all the top...
  5. mradam

    my green bean leaves are disappearing!

    No, there wasn't really any other evidence there. Only insect I ever see back there is the larger black ants, and they're never on the plants. It started with only the TOP leaves missing, which, to me, rules out small animals(rabbits and squirrels), but now I don't know. Deer it can't...
  6. mradam

    my green bean leaves are disappearing!

    My green beans are about 12-14 inches tall. They had some big leaves the other day, but today the top leaves(some of the really big ones) are completely missing. Some of the plants are missing almost all of their leaves. They just started to flower. I haven't seen holes in any of the...
  7. mradam

    Sprouts Sprouts EVERYWHERE!

    Some pics of my budding garden: My peppers (not yet in ground). Zucchini, just sprouted yesterday: Cucumbers: Snap peas: Green beans, weren't even showing yesterday: Lettuce, pretty sad looking after the rains: Whole thing: Sorry for the pics being turned. My carrots are a no go so...
  8. mradam

    I started my garden this week! (first post on Easy Garden)

    Good luck on the gardening! I also started my first garden this year, all from seeds. It's lots of work, and worrying about them when they're small, but it's worth it. hey Gardener7, I like your signature! Adam
  9. mradam

    what to do with my broccoli plants?

    I'm not sure as to the quality of the seeds, but I just used a standard 100w bulb (don't have the room for much else where they are. I had the light about 4 inches from the plants.
  10. mradam

    what to do with my broccoli plants?

    The seed envelope says Green King Broccoli. I am in my first year of gardening here, and on Fedco's site while ordering seeds these looked like the best ones. Adam
  11. mradam

    what to do with my broccoli plants?

    Not sure of the variety... I'll have to find the seed envelope. I already have a section of the garden planned for the broccoli, and it is shaded part of the day. I'll keep trying and see what happens. Thanks! Adam
  12. mradam

    what to do with my broccoli plants?

    Yes, I do fertilize with vegetable/food (because it was cheap). How your broccoli works out too! Adam
  13. mradam

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Today I planted snap peas, beans, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, and zucchini in my new garden. I also have broccoli, peppers and tomatoes that will be ready to transplant next week. busy busy, work work work Adam
  14. mradam

    what to do with my broccoli plants?

    I guess I got a late start with the broccoli. I'll try transplanting them into the garden and see what happens. Maybe I'll get lucky. It does get pretty hot here in the summer, so I won't hold my breath. Thanks! Adam
  15. mradam

    what to do with my broccoli plants?

    I'm in zone 6. Weather outside now is high of 65-70, lows at night of 40-50. Am I wasting my time planting these this spring?
  16. mradam

    what to do with my broccoli plants?

    I started my broccoli seeds about 4 weeks ago indoors. Gave them constant light (24 hrs a day) and now have about 30 4" tall plants. They now seem really spindly, skinny, almost too tall and heavy to support themselves. I was told that 24 hrs of light will make them grow too tall, too...
  17. mradam

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    here are some pics I just took of my little sprouts, and my future garden spot: My plot is about 15ftx35ft: Tomatoes: Broccoli:
  18. mradam

    Alright - tools - what works and what doesn't

    For turning my dirt, I've had decent luck with a spading fork. Easier than a shovel (I think), and less back-breaking too. Someone told me that a mattock (it's kinda like a pick ax) works well too, but I have yet to try it. I've got of my garden turned (with the fork) and will be...
  19. mradam

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post for TheEasyGarden, I've been on BackYardChickens fora while now, but just started checking this site out recently. I am planting(indoors): heirloom brandywine tomatoes broccoli...