I haven't purchased any canning supplies yet, but I just shucked and froze 60 ears of sweet corn today. My fingers are a bit raw! There is nothing like corn that has just been picked.
Thank you for your responses. I need to go shopping b/c I have 120 ears of corn coming tomorrow! Half is sold to others, but that leaves me with 60 ears to process and my freezer won't hold it all. I need to cut and can some. I just put in the freezer 100 sliced yellow squash yesterday...
I always helped people can, but I have never canned independently. What supplies do I need? Don't leave anything out, no matter how small!
Jessica in NC :ya
Last night we experimented at our house. I took a bag of the usual frozen sugar snap peas and the ones I grew on my closeline and stir fried them the same.
There was not any comparison in taste, texture or color. I may never be able to eat frozen snow peas again! My DH didn't want to...
Wow, we have close to two months of nights in the upper 80's, low 90's and I still get tomatoes, but we have very high humidity which is supposed to be good for tomato production.
Random thoughts:
It is true though that hot weather delays ripening just like posted above.
Some larger tomatoes...
Y'all are high tech! I use long branches that come out of my really, really old pecan trees. Stick them in the containers and tie panty hose to them. I prefer a bushier tomato instead of a tall one since the tall ones just turn the container over. I snip the apical meristem when they get...
I have never heard of such a thing! I am a great lover of sunflowers and morning glories. I sprout all of mine inside and transplant. If I just soak morning glories and stick them in the ground they never come up. Then the birds are off digging up the sunflower seeds. I just skip all of...
I really want that recipe!
I cubed 30 'lopes, packed them into freezer bags, and still have some. My DH eats them like that half frozen. I put them on ice cream. They are gross if you let it defrost though.
I have a lot of sweet peppers, but not a packet of pure banana. I have a few Rosa Bianca eggplant seeds and some sungold casaba melons. I would be interested in some pickling cukes.
I have mammoth sunflower
Straight 8 cukes, pearl cukes, and spacemaster cukes (all hybrids)
I think I have some marigolds, but i can't put my hands on them right now to see what color/variety they are.
I also have 2 Dill's Atlantic Giant pumpkin seeds.
Awesome! I have been getting back into gourds. I just grow them, my aunt paints them. She wants some penguin gourds? And I am doing dipper, spoon, luffa, and birdhouse for her.
I agree
I have made pico de gallo from any tomato available. I had about a 1000 cherry tomatoes last summer and I 1/4 them and threw them in. It was good.
I don't make a 'salsa' like you get in jars in the store. I make pico-cut up tomatoes, onion, green peppers/hot peppers (if you want)...
Any Roma style tomato. My DH won't eat his pico de gallo with anything else. If you go to your local grocery you will see Latinos lined up to get Romas.
Ok, I had to decided-Fruit and Veggie forum or Flower forum. Since I am eating the seeds, I decided here!
Does anyone out there know if Mammoth Sunflower and Skyscraper Sunflower are hybrids or not? In other words, can I save seeds and plant next year. I also have Aztec Gold, but I finally...