In my free time I will be showing my beans from 2024. Finally :)
Shelleasy x Soldier network bean.
I had eight plants. Five of them grew as semi runners and the seeds were the same color as on the @Blue-Jay website.
Three plants grew as true bush and the seeds looked like this...
I also say "hello" in the new thread. Last year I managed to close several time-consuming topics, so I hope to be here more often than I have been recently.
Greetings to all. Happy New Year!
I see the curse has been lifted from the Frost bean :).
I also got some good seeds this year. Unfortunately, only a small handful. The plants were badly damaged by the storm, took a long time to recover and only a few pods managed to fully ripen. This was my third attempt at growing Frost and I...
Did you find out which region of Germany Braune Tereza comes from? In my notes I only wrote in general - Germany. I would like to have more information about the origin of this bean.
@Blue-Jay, great beans, as usual.
I don't have time to take care of my beans now. I'll start taking photos over the Christmas break, there will be two weeks off. All seeds have already been shelled, dried and, just in case, frozen to kill weevils.
I assume the seeds will stay where they are now. From what I've noticed, the female definition of the word "compromise" rarely coincides with the male one :)
I will return to the topic of Gold und Silber because I received an answer from the Deaflora store about the origin of this bean. Mrs. Annett Klitzschmüller confirms that it is a variety from Catalonia. I think everything is clear now. Gold und Silber from Deaflora and Or i Plata are the same bean.
Guy Dirix wrote to me that he received the Gold und Silber seeds from a German bean grower Solja Kaltenbach from Bienenbüttel. I don't know if she is somehow connected with Bohnen-Atlas.
I haven't received a response from Deaflora yet.
This year I grew Paulchen which was also bred by Solja...
The Deaflora store has the correct Gold und Silber seeds, that's where the ones I sowed in 2023 come from.
I have written to Deaflora and Guy Dirix about this bean. I'm curious to see their responses.
@heirloomgal , @Decoy1
This is Gold und Silber that I grew from Deaflora seeds in 2023. The seeds are little smaller than they should be because I shelled them from pods that were not fully ripe.
And this is the Or i Plata bean that I got from Catalonia.
The photos aren't very good, but I...
@heirloomgal, what you are showing is not a Gold und Silber but most likely some outcross.
This bean is actually called Or i Plata and comes from Catalonia, Spain. Gold und Silber is the literal translation from Catalan to German and is the name under which this bean is sold in the Deaflora...
I see you are all picking beautiful beans. I also collect the pods of most pole beans. Some of them are indecently fertile. One such bean is the Italian Zazza. The photo shows the top of the supports at a height of 2.8 meters but I already have a lot of dry pods from the lower parts...
@heirloomgal , @Decoy1
I have not yet grown pole Mongeta del Ganxet and so I am reading with interest about your experiences with this bean. I plan to sow it next year. You write that it is a late bean so I will choose the Mongeta del Ganxet Xic ecotype, which is supposedly earlier than other...
I grew Robert Lobitz's Paula bean this year. I got two kinds of pods. Some are thinner and rounder in cross-section, others are wider and more flattened. Which of them is the true Paula, does any of you know?
I read in Bill Best's book that Frank Barnett has three different beans called Aunt Maggie from three different places in Kentucky. I wonder which one this one came from.
There is a typo in the name. It should be Bareta, at least that's how it is written on the websites. Guy Dirix swapped this...
Gottscheeer Strankalan (three e's are the correct spelling) is a historic bean cultivated already in the times of the Habsburg Empire by the German-speaking community in Gottschee in the Carniola region in present-day Slovenia.