I used to rake the poop out of the chicken coop/run weekly. Heavens, I used to go in daily with a wisk broom and pan, honest. Then dump into a compost bin along with kitchen scraps and bunny poop (also with a bit of pine shavings). Now, the hens' home gets raked daily to mix newer droppings into...
Rabbits and chickens. Veggie garden is fenced but grassy part of it is open to bunnies for exercise. Chickens only allowed on lawn and flower garden area. Love the way they scratch up the soil and eat the bugs. Because of the chickens, I do make compost in the corner but have two rabbit hutches...
We live where its rather sandy so I have to amend, amend, amend. I use compost made from my chickens' and rabbits' waste along with leaves and grass and whatever. Though I don't double dig (I think its a waste of time unless you're going with potatoes or looooon carrots) I add compost to soil...
I'd also plant herbs like rosemary, mint (so many choices there), thyme (again choices), these you can use and they are pretty and do well in containers. Then you can run your hand along them to release their scents when you want to.:rainbow-sun
Bakersfield: where garlic grows well, almonds are king, and people stop on their way north or south when their car breaks down. Its claim to fame is that it has a river bed running through it. We also say how cool it is when its 90. :coolsun Winters I'm afraid are too cold for lettuces and...
Hi, I'm in Bakersfield. Aren't things looking beautiful around here. We have to enjoy it while we can. Too soon it'll be dusty and brown with just our gardens to make us smile.
Most of my veggie plot is planted and producing. I've got arugula, chard and sugar snap peas ready for use. Tomato transplants (cherry, roma, big boy, celebrity) in the ground along with zucchini, eggplant and cucumbers. Pole beans, bush beans, carrots, beets, and radishes are poking their heads...
Hi, I'm from baking hot Bakersfield. Gardening can be a challenge here summers, but we get great tomatoes, onions, eggplant and zucchini. If you like moussaka and eggplant parmesian, this is the place for you, with watermelon for dessert of course. And roses come early and stay late. And with...
Hi, I finally hopped over to EasyGarden from BYC. Actually, I've been gardening longer than raising chickens but didn't know of this great place till recently. Glad to have all of you to bounce questions and ideas off of. See you around.:frow