Repotted all of the hosta into groups of 3 per pot and filled 7 pots with them.
Gotta put drain holes in one pot.
A few empty pota to fill once more poo is available.
Then I'll plant the new flower bulbs, plus the ones from last year I pulled.
Wind is nuts today. 60mph+
Got another batch of manure to mix in.
Finished the previous 4 pots.
Started on 2 others, didn't mix the layers before dark.
The small will be moved to a large pot. Then the small will move onto the porch into the future catio. It'll be for grass.
the 4 large will be redone to be full.
People on FB are claiming they've never heard it was possible to root these...odd.
Root progress-
And the hedges are dark green and pretty. Unlike the peace lily disaster of a plant behind them...but, w/e.
And the asparagus ferns are doing well after their repotting.
Moved the other bags to the potato spot. Then filled anew the 3 middle to be carrot pots. Lots more sand in those.
Front 4 are scooted away while i work on filling the flower pots. Don't want to go all the way around, then up the hill.
Around n around we go!
Moving those filled bags, handles are of no use or rotted off, I ended up skinning my fingers, but had to keep at it until all were in place. 😤 Stubborn, I am, as the pain will pass. Lol.
Ignore dirt and staining, by now, it doesn't come off as easily. Just waiting it now, since I keep digging...
Finished washing the 140 or so pavers and placing them. Moved strawberries into place, dumped the 4oclocks and moved the bag over.
Added more pavers around the metal beds, too.
Then laid out cloth for the pots and added more pavers. Gotta move the grounding rod.
I remembered the pumpkins i have and wondered what about them....
So, here's the latest plan. And corn added, too. I'll use a thick layer of the big pile of dirt for those to grow in. I don't want weeds, maybe use the cloth or cardboard and cut holes for the corn to poke out of? Hmm
I used heavy plastic under the pavers when I first installed them by the pond. It worked very well, except around the edges. Lol. It'll be converted back to pasture space.
Didn't want to drive back down to haul the rest if these and get filthy yet again. So, I shoved them all in!
There's 2...
Okay. About 55 pavers washed and in place. Sucks the idea didn't come up before I filled the metal beds.
The old 4oclocks bag will be dumped into a pot, then that tan bag will join the 2 unused tan bags on left.
idk if I'll add a 4th to make it even or not.
And I need to figure out how...
I found out pines and such can be rooted...
The ones that came with cut flowers rotted.
But the ones I took from my green giants are now rooting! Don't have to buy more at $17.50 a plant! 🥳 Endless supply of privacy trees!
Jan 10 to now, 4 weeks to roots!
These are from flower bouquets. Two...