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  1. T

    Weeds/Garbage Bags

    I was wondering if I could use black garbage bags to keep weeds out of the garden?
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    When to plant?

    I live in Zone 6 and I want to direct sow these seeds: Garlic bulbs Parsley Eggplant Tomato Cauliflower Cabbage Pepper When do I plant them? Thanks!
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    Why are my plants falling over?

    They are broccoli and cauliflower. Here is a pic: What can I do to help them?
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    Questions about when to plant and if I can start inside???

    I have questions about Okra, Leeks, Kale and Strawberries. I am in Zone 7 and I am wandering if I could plant these seeds indoors and when. I checked the Farmer's Almanac but I didn't see it in there. Thanks in advance. :)
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    How many seeds?

    How many seeds should I plant in each hole? I'll be planting a Variety of vegetables. :)
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    Green bean seeds

    How do you collect seeds from green beans to plant next year?
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    Suggestions for Herbs to grow in Green House?

    I heard that herbs can be grown through the winter in a green house. My mother and I are considering this. We may build a small green house (about 4 feet by 8 feet, with heat). We were wondering if there are any herbs that would be best under these conditions? Thanks in advance. :)
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    Planting late in the year...

    Hello, I am interested in getting into gardening, so I was wondering if there are any vegetables that can be planted this late in the year? (I am completely ignorant of this subject :) ) By the way, I'm in Ohio and the weather can get pretty extreme... :P Thanks in advance! :D