Search results

  1. C

    What's the best way to store apples?

    It's that time of year again, when we pick 4 bu of apples, and then struggle with how to store them.........we've tried everything from in covered boxes on the front porch to in the basement, with varying amounts of success. ( I know to keep them separate from stored potatoes.) What have you...
  2. C

    Where did all the lightning bugs (fireflies) go this summer?

    I've noticed we don't seem to have any lightning bugs, which is very unusual. I think we had them earlier in the summer. I sure do miss them. :( Anyone else have the same problem?
  3. C

    request name change

    I'd like to change my user name from cheep cheep to chickaD, which has already been done on BYC. I've found that typing long names is for the birds! ;) Thanks!