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  1. Bettacreek

    Who's on SS?

    I just find it slightly insulting that you'd post about people of another forum, a LINKED forum, no less, which many of us are also lurkers of. Nobody was insulting you. I'm not sure why you're defensive about people asking questions about your SS way of raising birds, when you personally shared...
  2. Bettacreek

    I am so proud of my seedlings,gotta show ya some..more photos post 14

    I'm super jealous. I've been planting and sprouting and putting them outside, then bringing them indoors over night, for what seems like forever. I only have the seed "leaves" or whatever they're called, and that's on the GOOD plants. :(
  3. Bettacreek

    Just ordered my weeping mulberry!

    Raintree Nursery. If you plan to order, don't hesitate, because they have a small window for shipping. Raintree was the cheapest place that I could find. It's also definately a berry producer (some places sell males that don't produce berries)...
  4. Bettacreek

    It's that time of year....again

    I went to the town park the other day to check for a number. There's a drop-off for compostables and a pick up area for composted soil. Most of it was just a pile in the compostables area, but some people had thrown bagged compostables (presumably) in there too. Even if you only have a car and...
  5. Bettacreek


    We had several of these stupid things along the front "porch". They're all yellow flowered, and we just snipped them off at the ground. There are sprouts coming up, and I plan to dig them up here shortly. Before I do, I figured that I'd offer some up to anyone who pays shipping and any other...
  6. Bettacreek


    Well, I went with a tomato fertilizer. It had the most balanced nutrients. The soil that we have is BLACK from worm castings and excellent nutrients. Plus, I plan to use compost from the city park to add to my soil when we til it. But, I really want something just in case, lol. How can I make...
  7. Bettacreek


    Ha! I'd never trust a big-name company to give me advice on anything. :/ As for acid, can you use coffee for that? I just remember something about coffee or coffee grounds for the gardens (and for drain cleaning?!) As for organic, I'm fine with organic, but I feel like most of the organics are...
  8. Bettacreek


    So, I'm not worried about going organic, but I'd like to know what formulas I should use for my plants. I have peppers (I assume types don't matter), tomatoes, hopefully carrots and beets (I assume they use the same type), herbs (I assume rabbit poop will be good with the nitrogen), lavender (I...
  9. Bettacreek

    Root crops?

    So, I have carrots and beets that I want to try my hand at. The carrots, well, we really don't eat a lot of carrots, but, I have rabbits that I can share with. I plan to can several quarts for stews and such. The beets, well, mostly will be used for pickled eggs. Either way, I really want to...
  10. Bettacreek

    Just ordered my weeping mulberry!

    This tree is so much more than just ornamental to me. :D I plan to use the leaves to make silkworm mash, plus eat the mulberries and make jams and such out of them. :) I did pick weeping for the ornamental part though, I just love the way it looks!
  11. Bettacreek

    Just ordered my weeping mulberry!

    I'm super excited. I've been waiting and waiting and waiting to order my weeping mulberry. I was waiting to see if a local supplier could order one in for me. Only one (out of 3-4) contacted me back, and they kept in contact with me, but their suppliers had all stopped supplying the weeping...
  12. Bettacreek

    Planting with intent to save seeds...

    Good question. I know that my ornamentals give me 20+ seeds per pepper. Plus, trying to remember (I'm not very good at that) the last time that I "butchered" a bell, I think they have a good amount. But, it's always better to be safe than sorry, and at least quadruple however many you think...
  13. Bettacreek

    Planting with intent to save seeds...

    Awesome! I like the yarn idea. Makes it MUCH easier than trying to remember dozens of them. I would actually never remember, to be honest, lol. The feather idea is awesome. I could just cut the side parts off of a feather and leave just the stuff on the tip to make it easier to fit into smaller...
  14. Bettacreek

    Seed train like on BYC?

    We also bought the golden bantam hybrid, from the dollar store. It's probably the same brand.
  15. Bettacreek

    Planting with intent to save seeds...

    I've been putting some thought to this. I have 7 varieties of peppers that I do NOT want crossing, but do not have the space to assure that they won't. So, I wonder if I could bag some of the flowers, starting when they're just a bud, then manually pollinate them, and cover them again so that...
  16. Bettacreek

    Tobacco, natural pesticide?

    Eww. Thanks for that. Now I know that I won't be using it. :/ Darn.
  17. Bettacreek

    Tobacco, natural pesticide?

    Can you let me know what you wrote? You can pm me. I don't get offended, I just want to know if it's something that I should be wary of. I have yellow orinoco and Louisiana perque, which would be a non-ornamental type. If there's something that I need to be wary of, I'd like to know it. Thanks...
  18. Bettacreek

    How many plants?

    Thank you! That will give me an idea of what to plant. I can suppliment it if we don't have enough, or give away if we have too much, but I can use the estimate this year and then work on that for next year. :)
  19. Bettacreek

    Tobacco, natural pesticide?

    Awhile ago I was researching tobacco plants, because the ex-husband used to smoke like a chimney. I learned in my research, that tobacco can be used to make a natural pesticide, and can actually repel insects from other plants near it while it's growing. So, has anyone else ever tried either...
  20. Bettacreek

    How many plants?

    Not quite yet. We still have I think two cases of peppers in the pantry. I think a case is a dozen, so, two dozen pints of peppers left. It should last us until we have our own harvest this year.