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  1. Mothergoat

    Espalier apples

    When it comes to growing apples espalier, are there some varieties that are more suitable than others? L.
  2. Mothergoat

    Do you know this tree? Maybe called a Chinaberry?

    When I was a little girl, my grandma's house in the east SF bay area, California, had a lot of trees growing around the yard. They had multiple trunks sort of like a sumac. They had dark green, shiny, pinnately compound leaves with lots of little pointy, serrated leaflets. One whole compound...
  3. Mothergoat

    Oregon, Willamette Valley, Cascade Foothills

    Here I am in zone 8...or maybe zone 7 some years...Love these wet PNW winters. We did get snow today!:cool: