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  1. aka Rachel

    Easter Update: Ordered my orchard...

    Potatoes! :lol: sorry, I know its not really in fitting with your lovely orchard you are setting up (u promised pics right?!) but I have potatoes on the brain, and that happens to be how i'm planting mine this year :)
  2. aka Rachel

    Planting asperagus crowns that I just found

    Ha, I'm in the same boat as you! I've already decided I will try them and just see what happens...I won't admit to how long I've had them tho ;)
  3. aka Rachel


    I thought these things were theory. I realised they might not be the best when, after putting in my teeny tomatoe plant and filling with moist soil, I could hardly lift the thing onto the hook! Then, since I had hung it about 6' high the next challenge was watering the darn thing...
  4. aka Rachel

    Tator Tower Experiment UPDATE

    I will be trying the tire tower as well this year. Last year was my first time growing potatoes and trying to hill the soil was frustrating to say the least. My garden is a recalimed hay field, and that was my first year with it.