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  1. O

    Sea weed as mulch?

    Thanks for the responses. The beach is covered with the stuff. I was concerned about the salt level and whether or not it would wash off. I'll put a pile in the driveway and leave it through a couople of rains. Thanks again.
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    Sea weed as mulch?

    I live on the shore, a half mile walk to the beach. I've heard of some folks using sea weed as mulch in their gardens. Supposedly, it keeps the weed at bay (no pun intended). Has any one here tried that? Is salt an issue or does a good rinsing with the hose solve that?
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    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    Beet greens. Previously, I'd just toss em into the compost but I read somewhere on-line that they cook up real nice. I sauteed them with some olive oil, garlic, sea salt and red pepper flake and, WOW! I can't believe I tossed these. I froze the stems for my next soup base, it'll have an...
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    root vegetables and winter

    Thanks for the replies. I thought my question might have been a dumb one. I think I remember where I heard that some vegetables benifit from being left over winter. I was told that if I plant onions from seed not to expect anything more than scalions the first year and that I can't pick them if...
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    root vegetables and winter

    This may be a ridiculous question but here it goes: I heard somewhere, I can't remember where, that some root vegetables survive the winter and pick up where they left off in the spring. Is this true? Could I plant something in the late summer or early fall and it'll grow until it dies, or lays...
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    mealy tomatoes

    Nope, I didn't refridgerate any tomaotes. It's not just one that's mealy but almost all the romas are that way. I wonder if I'm letting them ripen too long before picking. I try to let all the green turn to red but that may not be the best idea. I don't think I'm growing this kind next year.
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    mealy tomatoes

    I planted several varieties of tomatoes but one didn't turn out so nice. My roma tomatoes are mealy. They have beautiful color and weight but when I cut into them they're grainy and slightly mushy. The frustrating part is that the other tomato varieties are doing very well, grape, yellow...
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    I'm just learning

    Hi, I hope this is the proper place to introduce myself and ask a couple of questions. I live almost, but not quite on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I've been home for the past couple of years due to a shoulder injury at work, dislocated it about twenty five times, and I've taken up a few new...