Search results

  1. C

    How much space do rose seedlings need

    How much space do rose seedlings need until their first bloom? What about their first year? When can they be transplanted into the ground? I have searched the internet for information, but have found little that was useful. I know they need anywhere from a 2" pot to a 4" pot, but I don't even...
  2. C

    Some questions on breeding roses

    Hey everyone! So I'm going to try and start breeding roses (as in new varieties, not propegating with cuttings) and I can't find an answer to these questions: - Though it's late in the season my new rose bush (Midnight Blue) finally made blooms and is doing well. I decided to go ahead and...
  3. C

    Where and how to plant the Pomagranite

    My mom bought a couple of pomagranite bushes from a website that says they can grow in zone 7 (our zone). Since most places say pomagranite only grows in zone 8 or warmer, mom wants to plant the bushes on the south side of the property. The south side of the property is heavy clay and I've...
  4. C

    pictures of fruit trees, semi and standard please! Also pros and cons

    Hello everyone! I've been on BYC and BYH for quite a while now but this is my first venture into easy garden. Anywho, I'm trying to find as much information on fruit trees as possible because I hope to use it in the future. Soooo here are my questions: 1. My biggest problem is that I have a...