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  1. T

    The longest root structure i've ever seen!

    Hey Steve - kind words mate. I have the link as I always like to show off just a little! :P Not that I am particularly skilled OR accomplished, so you might be right in that it's an ad or a sort, just not a very commercial one. That said, I have all the tropical stuff which keeps me...
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    Thinning - How?

    I have always tended up uproot and replant, but this year I am just going to nip out the ones which I want to thin, as it seems the old way is not the best for the root structure of either the moved plant, or the one which is disturbed by the removing.
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    The longest root structure i've ever seen!

    Mightily impressive - that'll be why you are the queen! :P I have not even got my seeds planted yet for spring, what with that old bothersome thing called work getting in the way, but if I don't get my act in gear I am going to be too late! Tom
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    Potted Herbs

    Hunkydory you are a genius! I've got one last big cappuccino mug from a set, with no saucers left at all. This is clearly the answer! Do I have to give it away though?
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    Green House Live Cam

    Ooh, went for a peek but also got the test screen. Will try again later - big fan of tropicals too, and looking forward to getting all of mine outside too now that it's starting to warm up.
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    Oh boy!

    Nice one - and make sure you spread those 10 copies around the family!! :)
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    does anyone else keep track?

    Am I the only one thinking that I am not completely sure I reeeeaaaally want to know the answer? :)
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    I need tips on starting tomatoes and peppers from seed!

    Can I just second (or even third!) the comments regarding light. I always end up with a dilemma of starting too early and ending up with plants which are just too leggy as they've had to search out light which is just not there to early in the year, versus feeling like it'll be autumn before I...
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    Anyone starting seeds yet?

    A good friend started his tomato seeds this weekend. I was just a little dismissive, based on it being pretty early, but I am now secretly a bit jealous. Think I'll be at the garden centre this coming weekend.
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    What's the deal with Paw Paws

    Hi Don - bit of a late addition I know, but have only just joined the forum and spotted your title. I have planted paw paw many times (UK based - so strictly for indoor ornamental use only), and have tried a couple of different types from seed, including one which was advertised as 'hardy', but...
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    Propagation Prohibited - ?

    I think this may have been touched on in a previous post, but on the assumption that anyone keeping seeds in their own garden is probably fairly safe from prosecution, they will have engineered the seeds so that they are not particularly viable. I have done bits and pieces of work over the...
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    How long have you been gardening?

    have you guys seen Jagger on that new Will I Am track??? Being a rock god allows you to get away with many things, but that is just a crime! On the subject of gardening, I started with my dad before I can even remember, and carried on through my teens. Many is the day I'd earn my 'going out'...
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    they're sprouting!!!!!

    Love it when spring comes around, and things start to change almost by the hour! Same on this side of the pond this week, as we've had several days of super-warm conditions and it feels like spring is in the air. checking the various plants around the garden which have been dormant and all of...
  14. T

    Great idea...

    Wow. Sometimes you just need the blindingly obvious pointed out to you, and you are left wondering why you didn't think of it yourself! Also useful as I tend to end up with the drainage holes gradually widening due to frost cracking the clay of the pot.
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    Office Plants

    Hi there - the first picture is an umbrella plant and the last is a dracaena. don't know the names of the middle two, but know the plants (if you know what I mean). You should have no great trouble with any of them in terms of care - just water when the soil needs it and they will probably...
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    Asking Yourself, "How much should I Plant?!"

    Have just been having a little browse, but had to post a quick reply here as I've just spent 5 minutes chuckling quietly to myself, recognising myself in most of the posts on this thread! My wife and I are planning very determinedly to plant LESS produce this year on the basis that we lost a...