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  1. A

    Teach Meh! ...Please? :)

    Hello out there, I am very very curious about composting. You see I really want to help my plants become the most they can be and I remember noticing as a kid how much bigger and better the black berries near horse pens were...for obvious reasons ;) Anyway, that is why I am here. I am a...
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    How to pamper berry bushes?

    Hello there! I just managed to procure my own little berry garden type deal. I have a blackberry (thornless), a raspberry(very thorny :P ), A blue berry sprout, and a small fig...with figs already on it :ep I thought those guys didn't get their figs till they were older? Oh, and I also have a...
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    Strange tree Id.

    Or maybe it's a shrub, it was pretty small and skinny and growing next to an Elm. I HAVE NO CLUE what it is and I know my trees. Never seen it before and I'm kinda clueless. If you run out of tree/shrub ideas mention anything else you think it looks like, maybe I'm crazy and it was actually a...
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    Fruits and veggies for a shade garden

    Hey guys! I'm brand spanking new here, and to gardening, and would love some advice on what to grow in my new shade garden. You see my mom has given me the side of the house as my own place to grow and garden in. Now the thing about that side of the house is that it is pretty shady. There are...