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  1. L

    Anyone have a lemon tree ?

    I think I had a new crop of lemons last year around November/December and was able to eat them by March. Their website says 3-4 months though. See:
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    Apple Tree Care Suggestions

    I would appreciate suggestions (do's and don't) to take care of some 3-4(?) year old Granny Smith, Golden Delicious and Gala trees. I am not having problems with them but wanted to hear how people fertilize it, prune it, water it, etc. I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas Area (Z8). Of special...
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    Dwarf Peach Tree Care Suggestions

    I would appreciate suggestions (do's and don't) to take care of this tree. I am not having problems with it but wanted to hear how people fertilize it, prune it, water it, etc. I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas Area (Z8). Also, how do you know the fruit is ready for picking? The tree was...
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    Nyboy - Rose of Sharon Question

    Interesting. I must be mowing over them or killing them somehow. The ROS shrub is more than 10 years old and I have never noticed seedlings before (that is why I thought of propagation by cuttings). A second one that has a different color bloom has not done that either but it is somewhat...
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    Nyboy - Rose of Sharon Question

    I have a tall shrub that came with the house. It leafed out a while back ago and is starting to bloom. When did you plant your stalks? Have they leafed out yet? I am curious as I am thinking of taking some cuttings to plant. Next year though. It is too hot to plant outside now. We are close to...
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    If I had to guess, I would say that it likes the water draining away faster than before. Over here, it would be the shade... afternoon shade is a must for me. I stick with the azaleas to get the rebloomers but you know what... I would prefer that they rebloom faster than they currently do. I...
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    How would you like to have someone prep an annual bed like this one?

    Photo taken at the Dallas Arboretum's Jonsson Color Garden:
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    Eve's Necklace Tree

    I saw a very nice small tree at the Dallas Arboretum yesterday. It is called Eve's Necklace. Has some pink blooms in the Spring and produces a fruit in late summer/fall (where the name originated from). The fruit is supposed to be poisonuos. Since I have three mid to large sized dogs, I was...
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    Safe substitute for Aluminum Sulphate????

    For most of my hydrangeas/camellias/azaleas/hibiscus, I lower the soil pH using Garden Sulphur or Greensand. Both should do well with blueberries. On those hydrangeas that I am trying to turn the blooms purple or blue (and which are far away from the azaleas), I keep using a/s or Garden Sulphur.
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    my dogs are suddenly interested in my chickens

    Scary thought bj. While the dog might have been trying to control them and keep them away from areas like outside of a gate, the stalking attitude would bug me enough to somehow separate them. My dogs came with pre-developed attitudes that only dogs are allowed in the yard. I suggest contacting...
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    oak leaf hydrangea

    Nyboy, I saw an amazing picture of a hedge made of Limelights. Spectacular when in bloom. But those guys get very large. The ones in the pictures must have been well past 6' high. How high are your potted Limelights after three years? Has this forced you to trim/prune them?
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    oak leaf hydrangea

    Oh!. It is raining again over here, bj!
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    oak leaf hydrangea

    Hello, bj. I got soaked last night with almost 1/2" of rain (the small 30% chance of rain panned out for me this time! Ha!); and 1" earlier this week so I hope you guys caught some of that as it seemed to be coming from a south to SW direction. The oakleaf hydrangea is hardy to Zone 5 vfem so...
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    oak leaf hydrangea

    Thanks, Nyboy. I do not have as many hydrangeas as I would like to grow. Here in Texas (D/FW), I HAVE to give them afternoon shade and shaded spots are at a premium in the yard. I just wish the trees grew faster. :lol: Most of the ones I have are H. macrophylla mopheads and lacecaps. The...
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    oak leaf hydrangea

    Wow! I like those oakleafs too :D and am surprised you have not gotten bloomage, Mary! One note of caution... the flower buds are developed in the July-August time frame and remain invisible until the Spring. Could you be pruning it after the buds have developed but before it has bloomed? The...