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  1. S

    A question about poo

    Cool beans! Thanks! :watering
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    A question about poo

    for lack of a better way to phrase it. :/ We don't have a compost bin yet. It's kinda low on the list right now. What I do have is (literally) tons of cow manure. I just got the shovel and tossed several patties out of the driveway cuz we've grown tired of trying to back the vehicles out...
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I planted my two climbing roses yesterday. Turned my back for a sec and Billy (the goat) was on one like cold on ice! I fabricated two very large cages for the roses out of old chicken pens to prevent further taste testing until Billy can move to his yard and outta mine! The rest of my...
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    In Arkansas and we can't have empty categories, OH NO!

    Mena might just be what you're looking for Robb. It has wonderful recreational areas, a good hospital and wonderful doctors, great restaurants and stores (compared to other towns of the same size), and best of all, friendly "down home" people. Hot Springs is one of my favorite towns, but it's...
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    "Bad" Ad

    My anti-virus program includes a pop up blocker, so I don't see anything except what I wanted to.
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    You could always just come visit me once a year. I can't think of an area of fence line anywhere on this farm that doesn't have some blackberries growing on it. Before it was a cattle farm and before it was a chicken farm, it was a blackberry farm.
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    Should I be upset?

    I'm not of course. What I'm talking about is this example: The corn for example, says 'sell by 3 (March) 08. I won't even be planting it until at least the end of April. So aren't I planting old seed?
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    Should I be upset?

    I placed a rather large order with Johnny's Select Seeds and got my order today. I noticed on the individual seed packets that some say: tested in month/07, Sell by month/08. Some of these were to be sold by March, April, June/08. Should I be upset? Did they sell me old seed?
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    Store bought or catalog seeds?

    I ordered the majority of my seeds from a catalog to get the varieties I wanted, especially in the herb dept. I'll get my tomato plants locally, since I really don't have the room to start them from seed. And I get my pole bean seeds locally because Kentucky wonders are very common and easy to...
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    How to get rid of an unwanted bush

    We were battling some pesky bushes that my SO's mom planted long ago and they popped up all along our fence line. Finally found the solution....wanna borrow our goat? He's been here a week and there's not one bush left. :P
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    Where I am

    I did it for years and was successful enough to feed my family. I was taught by an old man who had no more than 3 ft. wide level places in his garden area. He tiered it all. I still remember his beautiful gardens.
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    Help me pick another rose

    Thanks y'all. I didn't find anything new and exciting at the local stores, so I'm off to J & Ps website.
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    Help me pick another rose

    In my usual haste and short-sightedness I only bought one climbing rose when it'll look better if we have on each side of the front gate. I'm going to buy a second one, the first being a Joseph's Coat, this week. Thinking about getting a climbing blaze. Any other suggestions?
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    Where I am

    Hope you're enjoying your visit to my former neck of the woods Ann. I'm jealous! We were there a year ago and actually I get less and less homesick as time goes by. ENJOY!
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I bought two roses at Atwoods that we'll be planting as soon as we're sure we've seen our last frost. One is a climbing Joseph's Coat (my absolute favorite rose) and the other is a Peace rose. I have to find another climber for the planting plan we've come up with. Don't know where the Peace...
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    Growing Potatoes

    Was in the co-op today and saw seed potatoes. Can't remember how much, but it wasn't more than 25 cents a pound, I'm sure. Since they do treat store bought potatoes to inhibit them from sprouting, why bother using them? You'll get much better results with seed potatoes and there are some...
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    Key Lime Tree

    Franko, Where are you located? That will have alot to do with how you take care of a citrus tree.
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    What I've ordered for spring: Pac choi Paprika Supreme (a pepper) Rosemary Pennyroyal Basil Dill Cilantro Sage Parsley Feverfew Lemon Balm Catnip Chamomile All of the above is for my medicinal garden. I have had pictures and a description of a friend's medicinal garden for a few years now and...
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    Longshot--I need a wheel!

    Hey Carole, What's the diameter of the wheel? and the size of the hole for the axle? Do you think any wheel of that size would work? I can sure look around on this farm, there's tons of wheels in all shapes and sizes. Kat